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PR Naming & Conventions #44

Open user2745 opened 4 years ago

user2745 commented 4 years ago

PR Naming

short description


43 Mobile Google Maps

The description should contain the following headings and the related content:

What does this PR do?

Description of Task to be completed?

Any background context you want to provide?

Screenshots (if appropriate)


Adapted from link

user2745 commented 4 years ago

@dgatto thoughts?

martiangirlie commented 4 years ago

I like where it's going. However, I don't think we should have all the headers like you have in the current Particle PR. For example, instead of putting:

What does this PR do? xxxxxx Description of Task? xxxxxx

Just like, write it out and let it be self-descriptive, but still follow that template. Also, I don't think we need a whole description of the task as long as we tag the task that it closes. So, more along the likes of:

[This PR implements a new logging system for our API]. [One can use the logger by initializing an instance in the file, and then using logger.debug, logger.trace, and so on for the different log levels.] [This will close #37]

Seeing that I split it up in to the three separate brackets (for demonstration), you can see it's the "What does it do", "Any background context", and "Description to the task".

Having the "this will close #x" gives a link directly to the task at hand and automates the task closing process, so double win, and less typing to have to explain the task again.

I don't mean to rip apart your proposal, just trying to add suggestions. What do you think?