The terraform I am trying to scan with terrascan has modules that are in another private repo in the org. I have set up a PAT with the right permissions. I think this is due to the app using ssh to access the repo. However, I'm not sure is there a way to make this work?
The terraform I am trying to scan with terrascan has modules that are in another private repo in the org. I have set up a PAT with the right permissions. I think this is due to the app using ssh to access the repo. However, I'm not sure is there a way to make this work?
- name: Run Terrascan id: terrascan uses: tenable/terrascan-action@main with: iac_type: 'terraform' iac_version: 'v14' policy_type: 'aws' only_warn: true verbose: true iac_dir: A_DIR scm_token: ${{ secrets.TEST_MYPAT }}