tenallero / Indigo-RooWifi

IndigoDomotic integration with RooWifi
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RooWIFI device does not react #1

Open betsim opened 8 years ago

betsim commented 8 years ago

@tenallero With the latest version (0.0.29) the created RooWIFI device in Indigo does not react at any action (clean, dock, status request). When I open a browser window and log me into the RooWIFI-site (with the IP) and do nothing, the RooWIFI device in Indigo works. I do not have an authentication set for RooWIFI.

Seems like there is no connection open to RooWIFI and if I open the RooWIFI-config-site via the IP, the connection is open and RooWIFI can receive any commands from Indigo...

betsim commented 8 years ago

Debug-Log shows:

RooWifi Roomba: Button Clean called RooWifi Debug sending RooWifi Debug Roomba: Requesting status. RooWifi Debug Roomba: Status received. RooWifi sent "Roomba" on RooWifi Debug Thread. Roomba State = dock RooWifi Debug Thread. Pooling interval = 120 RooWifi Debug Roomba: Requesting status. RooWifi Debug Roomba: Status received.

Even the plugin seems to receive some information, Roomba does nothing eg is not start cleaning...

tenallero commented 8 years ago


I have discontinued this plugin, because, I am not using Roowifi devices actually. Now, I am using ThinkingCleaner at home. I will try to help you. Did you used this plugin before latest version 0.0.29? Which Roomba model are you using with RooWifi? Model 5xx? 6xx? 7xx? I ask about Roomba model, because some Roomba Model 6xx have some firmware issue that stops listening the commands from the wifi dongle (RooWifi or ThinkingCleaner).

About this "model 6xx" issue, I have found that "bombing" the wifi dongle with continous http status request is a way of keeping "awoken" the physical connection between Roomba and the wifi dongle. In fact, this is what is doing the web page that comes from the Roowifi IP address when using a web browser. Just because the page needs to show, in real time, any change in running/stoping stearing, etc .. when you "drive your Roomba like a car".

If you have a Roomba Model 6xx, maybe this is the explanation why roowifi works ok if you maintain the device´s web page open. I discovered this after a lot of frustration with my second Roomba (first was model 580, the second one is model 650). So, I have modified my indigo plugin for ThinkingCleaner in the way to keep a background thread that "bombs" endlessly the wifi dongle to keep it awoken. But I have not applied these modifications to indigo plugin for RooWifi.

I hope the above text can clarify your situation.

betsim commented 8 years ago


I never used your plugin before; I have a 866-Model... Could you share your modifications - perhaps I'm able to modify the Indigo plugin...

tenallero commented 8 years ago
