tenancy / docs

@tenancy documentation markdown files and index.
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New or improve tutorial for 5.3 #60

Open luceos opened 5 years ago

luceos commented 5 years ago

The documentation needs a step by step tutorial how to install Laravel with this package and create a little dummy project.

For inspiration: https://medium.com/@ashokgelal/a-full-featured-multi-tenant-app-with-laravel-part-1-4049a3cc229d

ghost commented 5 years ago

Another inspiration :) https://medium.com/@sadnub/hyn-tenancy-5-2-and-laravel-passport-a0d11c5a08eb I will study the documentation and try to make a new one.

poseso commented 4 years ago

It would be really nice an updated tutorial with v5.4, or a simple project where we can take a look and learn