tenancy / multi-tenant

Run multiple websites using the same Laravel installation while keeping tenant specific data separated for fully independent multi-domain setups, previously github.com/hyn/multi-tenant
MIT License
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Database [tenant] not configured. #634

Closed adel-bassiony-zz closed 6 years ago

adel-bassiony-zz commented 6 years ago

Description I installed Tenancy in a new clean laravel project ( Demo )

and created a new tenant and it created well also migrated the database

now I trying to insert data in the tenant database but I get this error ( Database [tenant] not configured. ) I already searched for this error but I didn't get anything or how to fix it.

I created a tenant called ( abc ) and the domain I'm using is: ( abc.demo.dev ) also, I tried to use ( Mamp Pro ) & ( laravel valet ) but I get the same error every time.

when I create a new tent it's created well and a new database created

screen shot 2018-10-07 at 9 53 56 pm screen shot 2018-10-07 at 9 54 06 pm screen shot 2018-10-07 at 9 54 22 pm

I think it's related to the subdomain because if I using ( anything.demo.dev ) it's opening the laravel page normally and get the same error when inserting data

so how I can fix it, please ? ..

Actual behavior laravel error ( Database [tenant] not configured. ) ..

Expected behavior Insert data in Tenant Database ..


tenancy.php config


 * This file is part of the hyn/multi-tenant package.
 * (c) Daniël Klabbers <daniel@klabbers.email>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
 * @see https://laravel-tenancy.com
 * @see https://github.com/hyn/multi-tenant

use Hyn\Tenancy\Database\Connection;

return [
    'models' => [
         * Specify different models to be used for the global, system database
         * connection. These are also used in their relationships. Models
         * used have to implement their respective contracts and
         * either extend the SystemModel or use the trait
         * UsesSystemConnection.

        // Must implement \Hyn\Tenancy\Contracts\Hostname
        'hostname' => \Hyn\Tenancy\Models\Hostname::class,

        // Must implement \Hyn\Tenancy\Contracts\Website
        'website' => \Hyn\Tenancy\Models\Website::class
     * The package middleware. Removing a middleware here will disable it.
     * You can of course extend/replace them or add your own.
    'middleware' => [
        // The eager identification middleware.

        // The hostname actions middleware (redirects, https, maintenance).
    'website' => [
         * Each website has a short random hash that identifies this entity
         * to the application. By default this id is randomized and fully
         * auto-generated. In case you want to force your own logic for
         * when you need to have a better overview of the complete
         * tenant folder structure, disable this and implement
         * your own id generation logic.
        'disable-random-id' => false,

         * The random Id generator is responsible for creating the hash as mentioned
         * above. You can override what generator to use by modifying this value
         * in the configuration.
         * @warn This won't work if disable-random-id is true.
        'random-id-generator' => Hyn\Tenancy\Generators\Uuid\ShaGenerator::class,

         * Enable this flag in case you're using a driver that does not support
         * database username or database name with a length of more than 32 characters.
         * This should be enabled for MySQL, but not for MariaDB and PostgreSQL.
        'uuid-limit-length-to-32' => env('LIMIT_UUID_LENGTH_32', false),

         * Specify the disk you configured in the filesystems.php file where to store
         * the tenant specific files, including media, packages, routes and other
         * files for this particular website.
         * @info If not set, will revert to the default filesystem.
         * @info If set to false will disable all tenant specific filesystem auto magic
         *       like the config, vendor overrides.
        'disk' => null,

         * Automatically generate a tenant directory based on the random id of the
         * website. Uses the above disk to store files to override system-wide
         * files.
         * @info set to false to disable.
        'auto-create-tenant-directory' => true,

         * Automatically rename the tenant directory when the random id of the
         * website changes. This should not be too common, but in case it happens
         * we automatically want to move files accordingly.
         * @info set to false to disable.
        'auto-rename-tenant-directory' => true,

         * Automatically deletes the tenant specific directory and all files
         * contained within.
         * @see
         * @info set to true to enable.
        'auto-delete-tenant-directory' => false,

         * Time to cache websites in minutes. Set to false to disable.
        'cache' => 10,
    'hostname' => [
         * If you want the multi tenant application to fall back to a default
         * hostname/website in case the requested hostname was not found
         * in the database, complete in detail the default hostname.
         * @warn this must be a FQDN, these have no protocol or path!
        'default' => env('TENANCY_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME'),
         * The package is able to identify the requested hostname by itself,
         * disable to get full control (and responsibility) over hostname
         * identification. The hostname identification is needed to
         * set a specific website as currently active.
         * @see src/Jobs/HostnameIdentification.php
        'auto-identification' => env('TENANCY_AUTO_HOSTNAME_IDENTIFICATION', true),

         * In case you want to have the tenancy environment set up early,
         * enable this flag. This will run the tenant identification
         * inside a middleware. This will eager load tenancy.
         * A good use case is when you have set "tenant" as the default
         * database connection.
        'early-identification' => env('TENANCY_EARLY_IDENTIFICATION', true),

         * Abort application execution in case no hostname was identified. This will throw a
         * 404 not found in case the tenant hostname was not resolved.
        'abort-without-identified-hostname' => env('TENANCY_ABORT_WITHOUT_HOSTNAME', false),

         * Time to cache hostnames in minutes. Set to false to disable.
        'cache' => 10,

         * Automatically update the app.url configured inside Laravel to match
         * the tenant FQDN whenever a hostname/tenant was identified.
         * This will resolve issues with password reset mails etc using the
         * correct domain.
        'update-app-url' => false,
    'db' => [
         * The default connection to use; this overrules the Laravel database.default
         * configuration setting. In Laravel this is normally configured to 'mysql'.
         * You can set a environment variable to override the default database
         * connection to - for instance - the tenant connection 'tenant'.
        'default' => env('TENANCY_DEFAULT_CONNECTION'),
         * Used to give names to the system and tenant database connections. By
         * default we configure 'system' and 'tenant'. The tenant connection
         * is set up automatically by this package.
         * @see src/Database/Connection.php
         * @var system-connection-name The database connection name to use for the global/system database.
         * @var tenant-connection-name The database connection name to use for the tenant database.
        'system-connection-name' => env('TENANCY_SYSTEM_CONNECTION_NAME', Connection::DEFAULT_SYSTEM_NAME),
        'tenant-connection-name' => env('TENANCY_TENANT_CONNECTION_NAME', Connection::DEFAULT_TENANT_NAME),

         * The tenant division mode specifies to what database websites will be
         * connecting. The default setup is to use a new database per tenant.
         * If using PostgreSQL, a new schema per tenant in the same database can
         * be setup, by optionally setting division mode to 'schema'.
         * In case you prefer to use the same database with a table prefix,
         * set the mode to 'prefix'.
         * To implement a custom division mode, set this to 'bypass'.
         * @see src/Database/Connection.php
        'tenant-division-mode' => env('TENANCY_DATABASE_DIVISION_MODE', 'database'),

         * The database password generator takes care of creating a valid hashed
         * string used for tenants to connect to the specific database. Do
         * note that this will only work in 'division modes' that set up
         * a connection to a separate database.
        'password-generator' => Hyn\Tenancy\Generators\Database\DefaultPasswordGenerator::class,

         * The tenant migrations to be run during creation of a tenant. Specify a directory
         * to run the migrations from. If specified these migrations will be executed
         * whenever a new tenant is created.
         * @info set to false to disable auto migrating.
         * @warn this has to be an absolute path, feel free to use helper methods like
         * base_path() or database_path() to set this up.
        'tenant-migrations-path' => database_path('migrations/tenant'),

         * The default Seeder class used on newly created databases and while
         * running artisan commands that fire seeding.
         * @info requires tenant-migrations-path in order to seed newly created websites.
         * @info seeds stored in `database/seeds/tenants` need to be configured in your composer.json classmap.
         * @warn specify a valid fully qualified class name.
        'tenant-seed-class' => false,
//      eg an admin seeder under `app/Seeders/AdminSeeder.php`:
//        'tenant-seed-class' => App\Seeders\AdminSeeder::class,

         * Automatically generate a tenant database based on the random id of the
         * website.
         * @info set to false to disable.
        'auto-create-tenant-database' => true,

         * Automatically generate the user needed to access the database.
         * @info Useful in case you use root or another predefined user to access the
         *       tenant database.
         * @info Only creates in case tenant databases are set to be created.
         * @info set to false to disable.
        'auto-create-tenant-database-user' => true,

         * Automatically rename the tenant database when the random id of the
         * website changes. This should not be too common, but in case it happens
         * we automatically want to move databases accordingly.
         * @info set to false to disable.
        'auto-rename-tenant-database' => true,

         * Automatically deletes the tenant specific database and all data
         * contained within.
         * @info set to true to enable.
        'auto-delete-tenant-database' => env('TENANCY_DATABASE_AUTO_DELETE', false),

         * Automatically delete the user needed to access the tenant database.
         * @info Set to false to disable.
         * @info Only deletes in case tenant database is set to be deleted.
        'auto-delete-tenant-database-user' => env('TENANCY_DATABASE_AUTO_DELETE_USER', false),

         * Define a list of classes that you wish to force onto the tenant or system connection.
         * The connection will be forced when the Model has booted.
         * @info Useful for overriding the connection of third party packages.
        'force-tenant-connection-of-models' => [
//            App\User::class
        'force-system-connection-of-models' => [
//            App\User::class

     * Global tenant specific routes.
     * Making it easier to distinguish between landing and tenant routing.
     * @info only works with `tenancy.hostname.auto-identification` or identification happening
     *       before the application is booted (eg inside middleware or the register method of
     *       service providers).
    'routes' => [
         * Routes file to load whenever a tenant was identified.
         * @info Set to false or null to disable.
        'path' => base_path('routes/tenants.php'),

         * Set to true to flush all global routes before setting the routes from the
         * tenants.php routes file.
        'replace-global' => false,

     * Folders configuration specific per tenant.
     * The following section relates to configuration to files inside the tenancy/<uuid>
     * tenant directory.
    'folders' => [
        'config' => [
             * Merge configuration files from the config directory
             * inside the tenant directory with the global configuration files.
            'enabled' => true,

             * List of configuration files to ignore, preventing override of crucial
             * application configurations.
            'blacklist' => ['database', 'tenancy', 'webserver'],
        'routes' => [
             * Allows adding and overriding URL routes inside the tenant directory.
            'enabled' => true,

             * Prefix all tenant routes.
            'prefix' => null,
        'trans' => [
             * Allows reading translation files from a trans directory inside
             * the tenant directory.
            'enabled' => true,

             * Will override the global translations with the tenant translations.
             * This is done by overriding the laravel default translator with the new path.
            'override-global' => true,

             * In case you disabled global override, specify a namespace here to load the
             * tenant translation files with.
            'namespace' => 'tenant',
        'vendor' => [
             * Allows using a custom vendor (composer driven) folder inside
             * the tenant directory.
            'enabled' => true,
        'media' => [
             * Mounts the assets directory with (static) files for public use.
            'enabled' => true,
        'views' => [
             * Adds the vendor directory of the tenant inside the application.
            'enabled' => true,

             * Specify a namespace to use with which to load the views.
             * @eg setting `tenant` will allow you to use `tenant::some.blade.php`
             * @info set to null to add to the global namespace.
            'namespace' => null,

             * If `namespace` is set to null (thus using the global namespace)
             * make it override the global views. Disable by setting to false.
            'override-global' => true,

webserver.php config


 * This file is part of the hyn/multi-tenant package.
 * (c) Daniël Klabbers <daniel@klabbers.email>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.
 * @see https://laravel-tenancy.com
 * @see https://github.com/hyn/multi-tenant

return [

     * Apache2 is one of the most widely adopted webserver packages available.
     * @see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/
     * @see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu
    'apache2' => [
         * Whether the integration with Apache2 is currently active.
        'enabled' => false,

         * Define the ports of your Apache service.
        'ports' => [
             * HTTP, non-SSL port.
             * @default 80
            'http' => 80,
             * HTTPS, SSL port.
             * @default 443
            'https' => 443

         * The generator taking care of hooking into the Apache services and files.
        'generator' => \Hyn\Tenancy\Generators\Webserver\Vhost\ApacheGenerator::class,

         * The view that holds the vhost configuration template.
        'view' => 'tenancy.generators::webserver.apache.vhost',

         * Specify the disk you configured in the filesystems.php file where to store
         * the tenant vhost configuration files.
         * @info If not set, will revert to the default filesystem.
        'disk' => null,

        'paths' => [

             * Location where vhost configuration files can be found.
            'vhost-files' => [

             * Actions to run to work with the Apache2 service.
            'actions' => [
                 * Action that asserts Apache2 is installed.
                'exists' => '/etc/init.d/apache2',
                 * Action to run to test the apache configuration.
                 * @set to a boolean to force the response of the test command.
                 * @info true succeeds, false fails
                'test-config' => 'apache2ctl -t',
                 * Action to run to reload the apache service.
                 * @info set to null to disable reloading.
                'reload' => 'apache2ctl graceful'

     * Nginx webserver support.
     * @see http://nginx.org
    'nginx' => [
         * Whether the integration with nginx is currently active.
        'enabled' => false,

         * The php sock to be used.
        'php-sock' => 'unix:/var/run/php/php7.1-fpm.sock',

         * Define the ports of your nginx service.
        'ports' => [
             * HTTP, non-SSL port.
             * @default 80
            'http' => 80,
             * HTTPS, SSL port.
             * @default 443
            'https' => 443

         * The generator taking care of hooking into the nginx services and files.
        'generator' => \Hyn\Tenancy\Generators\Webserver\Vhost\NginxGenerator::class,

         * The view that holds the vhost configuration template.
        'view' => 'tenancy.generators::webserver.nginx.vhost',

         * Specify the disk you configured in the filesystems.php file where to store
         * the tenant vhost configuration files.
         * @info If not set, will revert to the default filesystem.
        'disk' => null,

        'paths' => [

             * Location where vhost configuration files can be found.
            'vhost-files' => [

             * Actions to run to work with the Nginx service.
            'actions' => [
                 * Action that asserts nginx is installed.
                'exists' => '/etc/init.d/nginx',
                 * Action to run to test the nginx configuration.
                 * @info set to a boolean to force the response of the test command.
                 *  true succeeds, false fails
                'test-config' => '/etc/init.d/nginx configtest',
                 * Action to run to reload the nginx service.
                 * @info set to null to disable reloading.
                'reload' => '/etc/init.d/nginx reload'





.CreateTenant Command


namespace App\Console\Commands;

use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use Hyn\Tenancy\Environment;
use Hyn\Tenancy\Models\Hostname;
use Hyn\Tenancy\Models\Website;
use Hyn\Tenancy\Repositories\WebsiteRepository;
use Hyn\Tenancy\Repositories\HostnameRepository;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Hash;

class CreateTenant extends Command
    protected $signature = 'tenant:create {name} {email}';
    protected $description = 'Creates a tenant with the provided name and email address e.g. php artisan tenant:create boise boise@example.com';

    public function handle()
        $name = $this->argument('name');
        $email = $this->argument('email');
        $website = new Website;

        if ($this->tenantExists($name, $email)) {
            $this->error("A tenant with name '{$name}' and/or '{$email}' already exists.");

        $hostname = $this->registerTenant($name, $email);

        // we'll create a random secure password for our to-be admin
        $password = str_random();
        $this->addAdmin($name, $email, $password);

        $this->info("Tenant '{$name}' is created and is now accessible at {$hostname->fqdn}");
        $this->info("Admin {$email} can log in using password {$password}");

    private function tenantExists($name, $email)
        return Hostname::where('fqdn', $name.env('TENANCY_DEFAULT_HOSTNAME'))->exists();

    private function registerTenant($name, $email)
        $website = new Website;

        // associate the website with a hostname
        $hostname = new Hostname;
        $baseUrl = config('app.url_base');
        $hostname->fqdn = "{$name}.{$baseUrl}";
        // $hostname->customer()->associate($customer);
        app(HostnameRepository::class)->attach($hostname, $website);
        return $hostname;

    private function addAdmin($name, $email, $password)
        $admin = User::create(['name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'password' => Hash::make($password)]);
        return $admin;

luceos commented 6 years ago

abc. is not a valid fqdn: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fully_qualified_domain_name

see the docs for a few examples: https://laravel-tenancy.com/docs/hyn/5.3/creating-tenants#create-and-connect-hostname

adel-bassiony-zz commented 6 years ago

yea the problem was in fqdn .. it should be ( abc.demo.dev ) bot only ( abc. ) 👌 thank you so much @luceos