tenbaht / sduino

An Arduino-like programming API for the STM8
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Installing the Board in the Arduino is failing #155

Open akashkapashia opened 7 months ago

akashkapashia commented 7 months ago

Error: 13 INTERNAL: Cannot install platform: installing platform sduino:stm8@0.5-pre2: searching package root dir: no unique root dir in archive, found 'C:\Users\Akash\AppData\Local\Arduino15\tmp\package-2304909887\STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver' and 'C:\Users\Akash\AppData\Local\Arduino15\tmp\package-2304909887\cores'

This can be fixed by putting the release download in the release version. means add a additional folder with version name "v5.0/downloaded" [Uploading v0.5.zip…]() files

xuyuanbao commented 7 months ago

me too

akashkapashia commented 7 months ago


use this meanwhile

bullygram commented 1 month ago

@akashkapashia still no luck, unable to install sduino!

currently using Arduino version 2.1.1. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

bullygram commented 1 month ago

Got it fixed, I now have two portable versions (downloaded as ZIP) of the Arduino IDE, one is a legacy version of Arduino IDE v1.8 and the other is the new Arduino IDE v2.3.3. I have installed the SDuino using the IDE v1.8, and upon opening the IDE v2.3 the board seems to be reflected there too.

Currently, I am using Windows 10, and I am using the new IDE to compile the code. Old IDE seems to be slow.