tenbaht / sduino

An Arduino-like programming API for the STM8
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Include path problems 0.3.3 Board Manager Install on Ubuntu 16.04LTS #35

Closed evildave666 closed 6 years ago

evildave666 commented 6 years ago

Installed 0.3.3 from Board Manager onto Arduino 1.6.9 running on Ubuntu 16.04LTS

Can compile/flash the blink example (on PD3), and it functions properly.

When an sduino-ized version of the servo sweep example is attempted, the Servo.h include file is not found:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;

int pos = 0;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  myservo = Servo_attach(PC3);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  for (pos = 0; pos <=180; pos += 1) {
    Servo_write(myservo, pos);
  for (pos = 180; pos >=0; pos -= 1) {
    Servo_write(myservo, pos);

/home/dvc/.arduino15/packages/sduino/tools/sdcc/build.10088/bin/sdcc sketch/servotest.ino.cpp preproc/ctags_target_for_gcc_minus_e.cpp re12 -c -Ddouble=float -D__PROG_TYPES_COMPAT__ -E -MC -mstm8 -DSTM8S103 -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10609 -DARDUINO_STM8S_BLUE -DARDUINO_ARCH_STM8 -I/home/dvc/.arduino15/packages/sduino/hardware/stm8/0.3.3/cores/sduino -I/home/dvc/.arduino15/packages/sduino/hardware/stm8/0.3.3/variants/standard -I/home/dvc/.arduino15/packages/sduino/hardware/stm8/0.3.3/STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver/inc -I/home/dvc/.arduino15/packages/sduino/tools/sdcc/build.10088/share/sdcc/include
Mark re12:/home/dvc/.arduino15/packages/sduino/tools/sdcc/build.10088/bin/sdcc -c -Ddouble=float -D__PROG_TYPES_COMPAT__ -E -MC -mstm8 -DSTM8S103 -DF_CPU=16000000L -DARDUINO=10609 -DARDUINO_STM8S_BLUE -DARDUINO_ARCH_STM8 -I/home/dvc/.arduino15/packages/sduino/hardware/stm8/0.3.3/cores/sduino -I/home/dvc/.arduino15/packages/sduino/hardware/stm8/0.3.3/variants/standard -I/home/dvc/.arduino15/packages/sduino/hardware/stm8/0.3.3/STM8S_StdPeriph_Driver/inc -I/home/dvc/.arduino15/packages/sduino/tools/sdcc/build.10088/share/sdcc/include sketch/servotest.ino.cpp -o preproc/ctags_target_for_gcc_minus_e.cpp
cpp gefunden
/home/dvc/Arduino/servotest/servotest.ino:2:19: fatal error: Servo.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
exit status 1
Error compiling for board STM8S103F3 Breakout Board.

Seems that some paths are still not getting set properly from Board Manager

Edit - in addition, the file irqtable.h, referenced by Servo.c is nowhere to be found.