tencentyun / tsf-simple-demo

Tencent Service Framework Demo
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Jar file download problem Jar包下载问题 #17

Open justinliu1981 opened 3 years ago

justinliu1981 commented 3 years ago

I met the network problem that I was not able to download all tsf jars and tencent/cloud jars at once. When I retried it, mvn could not reload the jars from remote repository. I fixed it by the following steps:

  1. Remove all the xxx.lastUpdated files and rerun command 'mvn clean package' ( or use -U with mvn command, it can ignore xxx.lastUpdated).
  2. Switch to another stable network. 我遇到网络抖动问题,导致TSF所依赖的两个主要jar文件库tsf和tencent/cloud无法一次下载完所有的jar文件。当我重试时,mvn会因为xxx.lastUpdated文件认为本地已经有该jar包而不再去远端库下载。我通过以下两个步骤解决了这个问题:
  3. 删除所有xxx.lastUpadated文件,或者在mvn命令后跟随-U参数,这个参数会忽略掉xxx.lastUpdated文件。
  4. 切换另一个稳定网络,再次执行mvn clean package命令,重新下载所有jar包。