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how to immunize against the mark of the beast #3

Closed jaekwon closed 1 year ago

jaekwon commented 1 year ago

The powers of the world as represented by the WEF is intent on implementing the mark of the beast. As per the Book of Revelation,

How could it be that a two millenia old document can predict what is happening today? Well, most people don't read the bible at all, and anyone can see the light and turn into a white-hat. It appears to me that the white-hats have shepherded the black-hats into following a script that ends up exposes them when it is too late. And now the "true Christians" have indeed exposed the NWO agenda, and this awareness is growing exponentially.

This control grid was leaked by whistleblower Senator Larry McDonald in the 70's, whose plane was soon after shot down. (highly censored https://twitter.com/Xx17965797N/status/1578662395358384128?s=20&t=MrwxzKymkKv6ehdfhvKlAA) . The "monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means" was leaked before by JFK who was assassinated in 1963. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhkjYJAHCjM . Now we have experienced the NWO control grid by the WEF, and its young global leaders, such as Fauci, Gates, Gavin Newsom, Trudeau; and even experiencing the war between Zelenski and Putin. The WEF, whose leader Schwab boasted about having infiltrated government cabinets, also wants us to "own nothing and be happy". If it isn't clear enough, their logo even includes a subtle 666.

The fact of the matter is, we probably do want some regulatory system to deal with large scale theft of coins resulting from bugs or human error/malice. Even if such a regulatory system is not imposed upon any zones, zones may want to voluntarily adopt some kind of regulatory policy. And zones probably want to enforce these policies across zones that choose to adopt the same policies.

It follows, that in a minimal system, zones should be allowed to choose their own set of regulatory policies, and the Hub can help enforce these policies when it comes to IBC transfers across zones, or from hub to zone. From the perspective of the Hub, this is still a permissionless, voluntary system.

When it comes to transactions on the hub, and transactions from zones to the hub, we should adopt the most minimal regulatory system. We could arguably do nothing--until it is too late, and we learn our lesson that we need something in the case of large scale theft from malice or bugs. The minimal nonzero policy we can adopt, is to enable one or more bonded DAOs to designate one or more addresses as being affected, with full justification, to temporarily freeze those coins, where the coins will unfreeze automatically until the hub's governance votes to act upon the frozen coins or to freeze the coins for longer to determine the facts. Something along these lines is a minimal regulatory system. Also, it is probably sensible for the hub to implement a kind of delayed transfer system, so that accounts with large token amounts can be protected by this regulatory system in the case of theft. Perhaps accounts can opt out of this transfer-delay protection.

The above minimal regulatory system still begs for a full system of checks and balances. That's another rabbit hole for another issue/document. The ATOM1 constitution hints at a system of checks and balances, but IMO it isn't complete yet, at least not in its current written form.

The challenge is to (a) further refine and minimize the aforementioned hub internal regulatory policy, and (b) to define the inter-zone permissionless regulatory framework. With these implemented, the hub can ensure the rights to property, protect property in the case of theft, and allow zones to permissionlessly set their own policies. This is a critical architecture/constitutional/regulatory problem we should be discussing today. Until it is implemented, IMO crypto will not be ready for the general population.

The problem is, getting this wrong is significantly worse than not implementing it. When done wrong, either it will become destructive (tokens being frozen/stolen by the regulatory system), or it will become abusive (think 1984 global dictatorship as per the NWO agenda, followed by global human depopulation). It follows that the Cosmos Hub should not implement a regulatory framework such that it can allow the permission innovation and proofing of regulatory frameworks over time. This best increases the chances of success in designing the right regulatory framework.

A Rule should be added to the constitution to succinctly represent the above paragraph.

jaekwon commented 1 year ago

Fun fact: I've been invited to go to Davos for the WEF, and I've gone to China to meet the top business tycoon building their CBDC. I've also met the top EU official responsible at the time for their blockchain policy.

I have not followed through with any of these suggestions, for fear of the consequences, and any attempts to associate the mark of the beast with me or Tendermint will from hereon and hereby fail.

faddat commented 1 year ago

Bro I love you for this you don't even know why don't you know oh my god

Personally I think it's because you're like out blaming Jewish people for like every problem in the world and I don't personally think that's okay because like people of all ethnic groups have caused insane types of problems over the years.

But yes, sensible people do wish to avoid marks of beasts and the like.

How do we get you into the sensible people place Jae?

Like the place where we don't just kind of nuke tendermint for no reason and the place where we don't bring weird religious stuff to work like I would really like that because you don't probably believe this you don't probably understand this but I do see the value that you bring and many of the concerns that you have I share myself.

Trouble is this leaves me eating dual shit sandwiches. That is to say a shit sandwich where, because I speak to you and because I understand the value that you brought right that bothers some people, and then on the other hand, because I'm not cool with just blaming das Juden for all things, I mean that upsets you and then like then there's blasphemy and stuff.... I do hope that you understand me, I really do.