tendermint / go-amino

Protobuf3 with Interface support - Designed for blockchains (deterministic, upgradeable, fast, and compact)
260 stars 78 forks source link

Release v0.13.0 #234

Closed liamsi closed 5 years ago

liamsi commented 5 years ago

Changelog: https://github.com/tendermint/go-amino/blob/develop/CHANGELOG.md#0130-october-15-2018 Something odd is going on with the commit history here (there are commits that are already in master, the diff looks correct though). I'll need to fix that first.

liamsi commented 5 years ago

Thanks @ebuchman! There is sth wrong with the commit history though. Probably merged an outdated master into develop (?) or did some weird squash-foo. I'll fix this later / tomorrow morning (the latest).

liamsi commented 5 years ago

OK, I think what is going on: the commits we are seeing actually never made it into master (because we squashed the changes into master and hence the commits still show up here). Merging now.