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overwriteFlagDefaults does not change default backend to "test" #9

Open TxCorpi0x opened 3 years ago

TxCorpi0x commented 3 years ago

Hi, root.go#L165 should change the default backend to "test", but with starport@v0.17.3 generated binary uses "os" backend by default

fadeev commented 3 years ago

@vjdmhd Starport now recognizes client.toml when running starport chain serve. Have you tried changing the default keyring with the following in config.yml:

    keyring-backend: "test"
TxCorpi0x commented 3 years ago

what about no starport? while issuing first key add we need to add arg --keyring-backend=test, Is this the new implementation? I mean the first command determines the backend keyring, Is it true?

Pantani commented 3 years ago

@vjdmhd Starport already uses test as default. The keyring method tries to fetch the keyring backend for different places before using the default test keyring.


ilgooz commented 2 years ago

Contents of SPM (Starport Modules) moved under tendermint/starport by tendermint/starport#1968. Please continue your contributions there.

Thank you!