tengu-team / layer-chronograf

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Permanently blocked on influxdb relation #1

Open Saviq opened 6 years ago

Saviq commented 6 years ago

The chronograf charm is permanently blocked regardless of having related it to influxdb:

$ juju status                                         
Model    Controller  Cloud/Region         Version  SLA
default  serwer.dom  localhost/localhost  2.3.1    unsupported

App         Version  Status   Scale  Charm       Store       Rev  OS      Notes
chronograf           blocked      1  chronograf  jujucharms    1  ubuntu  
grafana              active       1  grafana     jujucharms   11  ubuntu  
influxdb             active       1  influxdb    jujucharms   13  ubuntu  
juju-gui             unknown      1  juju-gui    jujucharms  142  ubuntu  

Unit           Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports              Message
chronograf/2*  blocked   idle   5                       Please create a relation with InfluxDB.
grafana/0*     active    idle   0   3000/tcp           Started grafana-server
influxdb/0*    active    idle   1    8083/tcp,8086/tcp  
juju-gui/0*    unknown   idle   2   80/tcp,443/tcp     

Machine  State    DNS            Inst id        Series  AZ  Message
0        started  juju-9080a0-0  xenial      Running
1        started   juju-9080a0-1  xenial      Running
2        started  juju-9080a0-2  xenial      Running
5        started   juju-9080a0-5  xenial      Running

Relation provider        Requirer                Interface       Type     Message
influxdb:grafana-source  grafana:grafana-source  grafana-source  regular  
influxdb:query           chronograf:influxdb     influxdb-api    regular  

NB: it also suffers from an influxdb-api relateion issue, so requires monkey-patching the influxdb charm.

See debug-log here.

sebastienpattyn93 commented 6 years ago

Does it stay in blocked state after a relation with kapacitor is made?

sebastienpattyn93 commented 6 years ago

I noticed that you are using the influxdb-13 charm by influxdb charmers. We had some issues with that charm and that is why we check if a relation is made with cs:~chris.macnaughton/influxdb-7. Fixing this relation issue of influxdb-api would fix our issue as well to connect to the influxdb-13 charm

Saviq commented 6 years ago

Just to confirm, yes it still gets stuck:

$ juju status
Model    Controller  Cloud/Region         Version  SLA
default  serwer.dom  localhost/localhost  2.3.1    unsupported

App         Version  Status   Scale  Charm       Store       Rev  OS      Notes
chronograf           blocked      1  chronograf  jujucharms    1  ubuntu  
grafana              active       1  grafana     jujucharms   11  ubuntu  
influxdb             active       1  influxdb    jujucharms   13  ubuntu  
juju-gui             unknown      1  juju-gui    jujucharms  142  ubuntu  
kapacitor            blocked      1  kapacitor   jujucharms    1  ubuntu  

Unit           Workload  Agent  Machine  Public address  Ports              Message
chronograf/2*  blocked   idle   5                       Please create a relation with InfluxDB.
grafana/0*     active    idle   0   3000/tcp           Started grafana-server
influxdb/0*    active    idle   1    8083/tcp,8086/tcp  
juju-gui/0*    unknown   idle   2   80/tcp,443/tcp     
kapacitor/0*   blocked   idle   6                       Waiting for relation with InfluxDB

Machine  State    DNS            Inst id        Series  AZ  Message
0        started  juju-9080a0-0  xenial      Running
1        started   juju-9080a0-1  xenial      Running
2        started  juju-9080a0-2  xenial      Running
5        started   juju-9080a0-5  xenial      Running
6        started   juju-9080a0-6  xenial      Running

Relation provider        Requirer                Interface       Type     Message
influxdb:grafana-source  grafana:grafana-source  grafana-source  regular  
influxdb:query           chronograf:influxdb     influxdb-api    regular  
influxdb:query           kapacitor:influxdb      influxdb-api    regular  
kapacitor:kapacitor      chronograf:kapacitor    kapacitor       regular  
sebastienpattyn93 commented 6 years ago

Then it is because the configure on the provides side is not set properly. The only solution i see at the moment is using chris his charm or waiting for the interface changes and a new build of the charmhelpers influxdb charm.

Saviq commented 6 years ago

Can you please point at where this relation version check is done?

sebastienpattyn93 commented 6 years ago

When I'm running debug-hooks in the chronograf and influxdb charm i get no errors in chronograf, bu tI get the following error in influxdb:

root@juju-98196d-0:/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-influxdb-0/charm# hooks/query-relation-joined
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "hooks/query-relation-joined", line 19, in <module>
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-influxdb-0/.venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/charms/reactive/__init__.py", line 72, in main
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-influxdb-0/.venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/charms/reactive/bus.py", line 375, in dispatch
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-influxdb-0/.venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/charms/reactive/bus.py", line 351, in _invoke
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-influxdb-0/.venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/charms/reactive/bus.py", line 173, in invoke
  File "/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-influxdb-0/charm/reactive/influxdb.py", line 261, in query_available
TypeError: configure() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'username' and 'password'

This means that the relation info is never properly set so the state that influxdb is available is never set is well. This is because of the issue you mentioned in the influxdb-api interface. And because the state is never set, chronograf will not know if influxdb is available. The influxdb charm will get in error state but in the next update-status, no relation conversation will be found so the charm will get back to ready state. The juju status will tell you that the relation is set but one side got into error state en did not trigger the other side properly.

sebastienpattyn93 commented 6 years ago

performing relation-get in the chronograf charm, only gives me the IP, which means that no relation information has been set.

root@juju-98196d-1:/var/lib/juju/agents/unit-chronograf-0/charm# relation-get
Saviq commented 6 years ago

I monkey-patched the issue locally here by applying the patch above, so the relation is made:

$ relation-get
port: "8086"
sebastienpattyn93 commented 6 years ago

Well, since the influxdb charm is not providing a username or password, We should add a check if those are provided or not in chronograf. Since we are trying to get the username and password from that relation. That is the reason why we are currently only working with chris his influxdb charm. I gave it the enhancement label and in the next charm release we will have a look at how to integrate this with the charmhelpers influxdb.