Closed lucianosds closed 6 years ago
Hi, 50.50. I did it especially for more stability. According to mikrotik wiki
if both values are non-zero, then SNTP client will alternate between the two server addresses, switching to the other when request to the current server times out or when the "KoD" packet is received
So, directive primary-ntp and secondary-ntp will configure SNTP client to communicate with two servers only. Using directive server-dns-names (Comma separated domain name list default: ) we can set ntp pool which is most reliable to receive NTP. One thing that we need to keep in mind - it could not work without DNS configured.
It works well: [rmgmt01@vl-nmr01] > system ntp client print enabled: yes primary-ntp: secondary-ntp: server-dns-names:,,, mode: unicast poll-interval: 15m active-server: last-update-from: last-update-before: 16m33s430ms last-adjustment: 5ms477us last-bad-packet-from: last-bad-packet-before: 12m8s350ms last-bad-packet-reason: server-ip-mismatch
P.S. I suppose I wil rewrite it with your improvement, but not within this pool request. I think that it would be great to avoid hardcoding any configuration in backup script. That's why I will divide code into 2 parts: first will just handle backup logic and second will be optional part which includes some configuration which is common for the most of setups, but it should be optional.
P.P.S. I am going to rewrite this code on golang because it's more reliable than a script. Also golang, python allows do ssh connection in single thread/iteration. As you can see my script initiates more than 2 ssh-connections :) It's not so cute as a single action.
Saw that the ntp servers are empty. só suggest to configure and in that way if somebody forget to configure, this is already configured.