tenhobi / totally_not_chernobyl

My Bachelor's Thesis mobile game
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CI enhance #12

Closed tenhobi closed 4 years ago

tenhobi commented 4 years ago

In main CI, do this improvements (Android):

tenhobi commented 4 years ago



It would be very cool to accomplish:

start) -> 1
1) setup + static analysis + test + coverage -> 2
2) build an android app -> 3
2) build an iOS app
3) release to Google Play ???


tenhobi commented 4 years ago


$ flutter run (to run app )
$ flutter test (to test app unit, integration, widget tests)
$ flutter build apk --release (package android app)
$ flutter build ios --no-codesign (package iOS app without codesign)
tenhobi commented 4 years ago

https://edit.theappbusiness.com/setup-a-flutter-ci-cd-with-gitlab-ci-part-1-8d40b7a3b3dc https://edit.theappbusiness.com/setup-a-flutter-ci-cd-with-gitlab-ci-part-2-9dbbad54dbdb https://edit.theappbusiness.com/setup-a-flutter-ci-cd-with-gitlab-ci-part-3-8e67c91c6da7 (for GitLab CI, but whatever)

Android and iOS build lane.

tenhobi commented 4 years ago

Use fastline?? https://flutter.dev/docs/deployment/cd https://docs.fastlane.tools/

not sure how it works, but probably very interesting

Also, maybe take a look at https://appditto.com/blog/automate-your-flutter-workflow

tenhobi commented 4 years ago

Another resource:


https://levelup.gitconnected.com/ci-cd-for-flutter-apps-3a56e3fc6d8e (PROMISING)

tenhobi commented 4 years ago

As a result, I did create tool/ci.sh file to run the needed commands. Also, I set up a matrix to run it in ubuntu and macos. Etc.