tenongene / QuoteGen

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Demonstration of application CI/CD with Results #5

Open tenongene opened 1 year ago

tenongene commented 1 year ago

With the complete pipeline now in place from the GitLab code repository through to the instances in AWS, I made a change to the application page by adding a greeting in the html page. I then committed the changes and pushed them to the GitLab code repository.



Push to the repository triggered the CI/CD pipeline which immediately began building the image.




Successful completion of the pipeline resulted in a push of the new image to DockerHub, which then triggered the Webhook to send a post request to the lambda function URL, and thus invoking the lambda function.



The lambda function executed by terminating the running EC2 instances.



The Autoscaling group then began initializing new instances to replace the terminated ones, but the new instances will initialize by pulling the newly updated image.


tenongene commented 1 year ago

The updated application is now available when accessed via the load balancer as before.




