tenox7 / ttyplot

a realtime plotting utility for terminal/console with data input from stdin
Apache License 2.0
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(Plans and remaing todos for) Release 1.6.0 #134

Closed hartwork closed 6 months ago

hartwork commented 7 months ago

Hi @edgar-bonet and @tenox7 ,

@edgar-bonet and I got a good deal of things done already for 1.6.0 on development, I have added a milestone "1.6.0" in the meantime and tagged all related pull requests with it, for the list of all 1.6.0 merged ones see https://github.com/tenox7/ttyplot/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Amerged+milestone%3A1.6.0 for a quick impression/overview.

I'm creating this issue for us to collect things that are either (a) necessary (as in blocking release 1.6.0) or (b) planned for 1.6.0 but optional in nature — just so we don't miss something and everyone is on the same page. These are all things intended for before we hand over to @tenox7 for acceptance testing, at least that was the idea. The two of you, please consider this text a wiki and edit/extend the task list below as needed, the checkbox are just fancy - [ ] text and - [x] text syntax, very low-tech you'll see…


Planned but Optional

Looking forward to your edits! :beers:

hartwork commented 7 months ago

@tenox7 for a list of known enduser-visible changes since 1.5.2, we could use this post as a wiki for the three of us for an upcoming change log to copy over to a release later maybe? I'm only referencing pull requests here and edit their titles to be to the point enough to work for entries in a change log also.

Changes in 1.6.0

Full list of pull requests merged for release 1.6.0


Bug Fixes




CC @edgar-bonet

edgar-bonet commented 7 months ago

Thanks @hartwork! I was myself getting a bit lost with all these completed and planned changes. I do appreciate this summary.

Also, I added a couple of “optional” items to the list. Ideas I have been considering.

hartwork commented 7 months ago

@edgar-bonet the rate mode and rate toggle hotkey turned out working properly in my testing. Could you take over documenting hotkeys q and r? After that and merging the open pull requests I think we'd be ready to give this to users, and then we can still have a release 1.6.0 this year.

hartwork commented 7 months ago

@edgar-bonet I can probably demo an idea for "Update the clock on the full system's seconds" unless you're already working on it or would rather play with it yourself. Happy either way.

edgar-bonet commented 7 months ago

@hartwork: I wanted to play with it but, since I don't have time to do all I want to do, I would say: go ahead please.

hartwork commented 6 months ago

Now bumped to 1.6.0 in Gentoo: https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/commit/73f5c0151f6519f36046a7228937ae938e42559e