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please add more activation functions #437

Closed bionicles closed 4 years ago

bionicles commented 4 years ago

@jvishnuvardhan @yongtang @seanpmorgan follow-up on the tf issue System information

Describe the feature and the current behavior/state. activations are high-yield because they dramatically influence performance for little code

Will this change the current api? How? just adds more activations

Who will benefit with this feature? people doing hyperparameter search can benefit especially

Any Other info. here is an updated python file with some activations (converted the if/elif stuff into a lookup table at the bottom)

from tensorflow_addons.activations import sparsemax
import tensorflow as tf

K = tf.keras

B, L = K.backend, K.layers

RRELU_MIN, RRELU_MAX = 0.123, 0.314
HARD_MIN, HARD_MAX = -1., 1.
FN = 'lrelu'

def swish(x):
    Searching for Activation Functions
    return (B.sigmoid(x) * x)

def soft_argmax(x, beta=SOFT_ARGMAX_BETA):
    x_range = tf.range(x.shape.as_list()[-1], dtype=x.dtype)
    return tf.math.reduce_sum(
        tf.nn.softmax(x * beta) * x_range, axis=-1)

def gaussian(x):
    return B.exp(-B.pow(x, 2))

def hard_tanh(x, min=HARD_MIN, max=HARD_MAX):
    if x > max:
        return max
    elif x < min:
        return min
        return x

def hard_lisht(x, min=HARD_MIN, max=HARD_MAX):
    if x < min or x > max:
        return max
        return tf.math.abs(x)

def lisht(x):
    LiSHT: Non-Parametric Linearly Scaled Hyperbolic Tangent
    return (B.tanh(x) * x)

def rrelu(x, min=RRELU_MIN, max=RRELU_MAX):
    return x if x >= 0 else tf.random.uniform(min, max) * x

def tanh_shrink(x):
    return x - B.tanh(x)

def hard_shrink(x, min=HARD_MIN, max=HARD_MAX):
    if x > max:
        return x
    elif x < min:
        return min
        return 0

    'soft_argmax': soft_argmax,
    'log_softmax': tf.nn.log_softmax,
    'sparsemax': sparsemax,
    'hard_lisht': hard_lisht,
    'hard_shrink': hard_shrink,
    'tanh_shrink': tanh_shrink,
    'hard_lisht': hard_lisht,
    'hard_tanh': hard_tanh,
    'gaussian': gaussian,
    'swish': swish,
    'lisht': lisht,
    'rrelu': rrelu,
    'lrelu': tf.nn.leaky_relu,
    'crelu': tf.nn.crelu,
    'relu6': tf.nn.relu6,
    'sin': tf.math.sin,
    'cos': tf.math.cos,

def clean_activation(activation):
    if callable(activation):
        return activation
        fn = FN_LOOKUP[activation]
    return fn

def use_fn(fn):
    if not fn:
        fn = FN
    fn = clean_activation(fn)
    return L.Activation(fn)
seanpmorgan commented 4 years ago

Thanks @bionicles! So happy to accept PRs for activations such as swish, lisht, etc. I'm less sold on the value of aliasing tf.math.sin and the other built in ops. Is the rationale just that users may not know they can utilize these ops as activations?

kyleabeauchamp commented 4 years ago

I guess one nice behavior is being able to reference activations as strings rather than functions, which is mostly a convenience but still useful for reducing boilerplate when doing hyperparameter tuning.

bionicles commented 4 years ago

@seanpmorgan @kyleabeauchamp updated the code. yeah, for our architecture search project it's handy to just use strings, but yes, we can directly pass those functions

import tensorflow as tf
K = tf.keras
B, L = K.backend, K.layers


def generalized_logistic(
    numerator = k - a
    exponential_term = B.exp(-b * (x - m))
    denominator = (c + q * exponential_term ** (1/v))
    return a + numerator / denominator

class Logistic(L.Layer):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Logistic, self).__init__()

    def build(self, input_shape):
        self.lower_asymptote = tf.Variable(
            0., trainable=True)
        self.upper_asymptote_aka_carrying_capacity = tf.Variable(
            1., trainable=True)
        self.growth_rate = tf.Variable(
            1., trainable=True)
        self.is_related_to_value_y_zero = tf.Variable(
            1., trainable=True)
        self.is_added_to_exponential_term = tf.Variable(
            1., trainable=True)
        self.start_time = tf.Variable(
            1., trainable=True)
        self.location_of_max_growth = tf.Variable(
            1., trainable=True)

    def call(self, x):
        return generalized_logistic(
bionicles commented 4 years ago
def mish(x):
    Mish: A Self Regularized Non-Monotonic Neural Activation Function
    return (x * B.tanh(B.softplus(x)))
fsx950223 commented 4 years ago

Please assign rrelu to me and it seems swish has been implemented in tensorflow.nn module.@seanpmorgan

bionicles commented 4 years ago


from math import pi
B = tf.keras.backend

SQRT_2_D_PI = B.sqrt(2 / tf.convert_to_tensor(pi))

def gelu(x):
    right = B.tanh(SQRT_2_D_PI * (x + 0.044715 * B.pow(x, 3)))
    return 0.5 * x * (1 + right)
bionicles commented 4 years ago

here are parametric linear, polynomial, and a parametric swish: (tends to blow up and make NaN tho)

import tensorflow as tf

from nature import L1L2

L = tf.keras.layers

class Linear(L.Layer):
    """ y = mx + b
    broadcast scalar weight and bias to all inputs (trainable)

    def __init__(self):
        self.m = self.add_weight(
            regularizer=L1L2(), trainable=True)
        self.b = self.add_weight(
            regularizer=L1L2(), trainable=True)

    def call(self, x):
        return self.m * x + self.b
import tensorflow as tf

from nature import L1L2

init = tf.keras.initializers.TruncatedNormal

class Polynomial(tf.keras.layers.Layer):

    def __init__(self, power=4):
        self.powers = []
        for p in list(range(power)):
            coefficient = self.add_weight(
                initializer=init(), trainable=True, regularizer=L1L2())
            super().__setattr__(f"{p}", coefficient)
            self.powers.append((coefficient, p))
        self.built = True

    def call(self, x):
        y = 0.
        for coefficient, power in self.powers:
            y = y + coefficient * tf.math.pow(x, power)
        return y
import tensorflow as tf

from nature import Polynomial, Logistic, Linear

L = tf.keras.layers

class PSwish(L.Layer):
    def __init__(self, layer_fn=Linear):
        self.multiply = L.Multiply()
        self.logistic = Logistic()
        self.linear_or_polynomial = layer_fn()
        self.built = True

    def call(self, x):
        one = self.linear_or_polynomial(x)
        two = self.logistic(x)
        return self.multiply([one, two])

def PolySwish():
    return PSwish(layer_fn=Polynomial)
bionicles commented 4 years ago

also, here's Logistic Map, which is (if you believe wikipedia) a simple function on the "Edge of Chaos"

The relative simplicity of the logistic map makes it a widely used point of entry into a consideration of the concept of chaos.[1] A rough description of chaos is that chaotic systems exhibit a great sensitivity to initial conditions—a property of the logistic map for most values of r between about 3.57 and 4 (as noted above).[2] A common source of such sensitivity to initial conditions is that the map represents a repeated folding and stretching of the space on which it is defined. In the case of the logistic map, the quadratic difference equation describing it may be thought of as a stretching-and-folding operation on the interval (0,1).[9] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logistic_map

import tensorflow as tf
K, L = tf.keras, tf.keras.layers

class LogisticMap(L.Layer):

    def __init__(self):
        self.r = tf.random.uniform((), minval=3.57, maxval=4.)
        self.built = True

    def call(self, x):
        min = tf.math.reduce_min(x)
        x = (x - min) / (tf.math.reduce_max(x) - min)
        return self.r * x * (1. - x)

we could also re-sample "r" each call of the function:

    def logistic_map(x):
        r = tf.random.uniform((), minval=3.57, maxval=4.)
        min = tf.math.reduce_min(x)
        x = (x - min) / (tf.math.reduce_max(x) - min)
        return r * x * (1. - x)
WindQAQ commented 4 years ago


from math import pi
B = tf.keras.backend

SQRT_2_D_PI = B.sqrt(2 / tf.convert_to_tensor(pi))

def gelu(x):
    right = B.tanh(SQRT_2_D_PI * (x + 0.044715 * B.pow(x, 3)))
    return 0.5 * x * (1 + right)

We have already had C++/CUDA kernel for gelu activation, which is much faster than pure Python operations. https://github.com/tensorflow/addons/blob/master/tensorflow_addons/activations/gelu.py

seanpmorgan commented 4 years ago

@bionicles Thank you very much for all of these. I think a lot of these are now implemented or under review (gelu, mish, softshrink, hardshrink, rrelu, lisht, sparsemax, tanhshrink).

However, this issue format makes it very difficult for us to evaluate specific activations and determine who will be working on them. For that reason I'm going to close this issue...but feel free to open a single issue per missing activation that'd you would like to propose. Just a note I don't think we'll be accepting any of the alias'ed activations like (tf.sin). IMO if you're building architecture search you can quickly create a dictionary if you want string shortcuts.

bhack commented 4 years ago

From the original list we are tracking Soft-argmax at https://github.com/tensorflow/addons/issues/1364

idanre1 commented 3 years ago

@bionicles I actually quite interested in cahotic activation functions - https://github.com/tensorflow/addons/issues/437#issuecomment-535587510 - Logistic Map Thanks you very much for this code sharing

I have couple of questions regarding this code snipset.

  1. I couldn't find this code in the repo eventually, can you mention the reasons? if this feasibility issues or bad return on investment?
  2. I have read an article on cahotic activation functions and it mentions automatic derivation is not enough and you need to also provide it manually https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/4634078?section=abstract Do you agree, if so do you know how to implement it?
  3. How call function will auto derivate? Each time you are calling "call" function "x" is changed, how do gradient descent will know what to do? Can I control the change of "x" to be every batch (in Keras)?

Thanks! Idan