tensorflow / agents

TF-Agents: A reliable, scalable and easy to use TensorFlow library for Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning.
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Second Order gradient is not working #220

Open zzong2006 opened 5 years ago

zzong2006 commented 5 years ago

I try to implement getting the second order gradient by tf_agent. The reason why I do second order gradient is came from meta-learning algorithm MAML.

First I create tf_agents.networks.network named as actor_net which have single hidden layer with 100 nodes and give 2 action distributions for 'CartPole-v0' problem (left, right).

env_name = "CartPole-v0"  # @param {type:"string"}
fc_layer_params = (100,)
train_py_env = suite_gym.load(env_name)
train_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(train_py_env)
actor_net = actor_distribution_network.ActorDistributionNetwork(

And with the two tf.GradientTape() and cloned actor_net network, I found it is possible to get the second order gradient with respect to different(cloned) networks.

with tf.GradientTape() as test_tape:
    with tf.GradientTape() as train_tape:
        curr_loss = loss(actor_net.submodules[4](np.random.random([100, 100])), tf.random.uniform([100, 2]))
    dW, db = train_tape.gradient(curr_loss, actor_net.submodules[4].weights)

    z = actor_net.copy()

    z.submodules[4].kernel = tf.subtract(actor_net.submodules[4].kernel, tf.multiply(0.003, dW))
    z.submodules[4].bias = tf.subtract(actor_net.submodules[4].bias, tf.multiply(0.003, db))

    # print(dW, db)
    curr_loss = loss(z.submodules[4](np.random.random([100, 100])), tf.random.uniform([100, 2]))
dW, db = test_tape.gradient(curr_loss, actor_net.submodules[4].trainable_variables)

# print(dW, db)

When it goes wrong, last gradient value(dW, db) from test_tape produces the array filled with None values. But I checked it was not. I used arbitrary(but it's last) layer (actor_net.submodules[4]) not entire network. And loss is the Mean Squared Loss function.

# actor_net.submodules (same as z)
(<tf_agents.networks.encoding_network.EncodingNetwork at 0x7f0210c32d50>,
 <tf_agents.networks.categorical_projection_network.CategoricalProjectionNetwork at 0x7f016c57a950>,
 <tensorflow.python.keras.layers.core.Flatten at 0x7f0180044650>,
 <tensorflow.python.keras.layers.core.Dense at 0x7f0180044e90>,
 <tensorflow.python.keras.layers.core.Dense at 0x7f016c57a350>)

def loss(predicted_y, desired_y):
    return tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(predicted_y - desired_y))

Up to this, I just checked the second order gradient of 'single layer' but I tried to clone the agent for calculating the gradient.

Create the agent using REINFORCE algorithm and replay_buffer,

optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate)
train_step_counter = tf.compat.v2.Variable(0)
tf_agent = reinforce_agent.ReinforceAgent(

replay_buffer = tf_uniform_replay_buffer.TFUniformReplayBuffer(

And compute second order grads through the same structure as the codes on the single layer of network.

for _ in range(num_iterations):
    with tf.GradientTape() as test_tape:
        with tf.GradientTape() as train_tape:
            # Collect a few episodes using collect_policy and save to the replay buffer.
            collect_episode(eval_env, tf_agent.collect_policy, collect_episodes_per_iteration)

            # Use data from the buffer and update the agent's network.
            experience = replay_buffer.gather_all()

            # Compute loss and grad for the original Network
            # Referred the _train function of the reinforce algorithm
            # https://github.com/tensorflow/agents/blob/master/tf_agents/agents/reinforce/reinforce_agent.py
            non_last_mask = tf.cast(tf.math.not_equal(experience.next_step_type, ts.StepType.LAST), tf.float32)
            discounts = non_last_mask * experience.discount * tf_agent._gamma
            returns = value_ops.discounted_return(experience.reward, discounts, time_major=False)
            time_step = ts.TimeStep(experience.step_type, tf.zeros_like(experience.reward),

            loss_info = tf_agent.total_loss(time_step, experience.action, tf.stop_gradient(returns), weights=None)
            tf.debugging.check_numerics(loss_info.loss, 'Loss is inf or nan')
            print('loss : ', loss_info)
        variables_to_compute_grad = tf_agent._actor_network.trainable_weights
        if tf_agent._baseline:
            variables_to_compute_grad += tf_agent._value_network.trainable_weights
        grads = train_tape.gradient(loss_info.loss, variables_to_compute_grad)

        # Now make new agent but uses copied actor_net network
        copied_tf_agent = reinforce_agent.ReinforceAgent(

        variables_to_train = copied_tf_agent._actor_network.trainable_weights
        if copied_tf_agent._baseline:
            variables_to_train += copied_tf_agent._value_network.trainable_weights

        # update cloned network's parameters by using grads of original network
        for i in range(len(variables_to_train)):
            weight = copied_tf_agent._actor_network.trainable_weights[i]
            weight.assign_sub(0.3 * grads[i])


        # Compute loss and grad for the cloned Network with respect to original Network
        # Collect a few episodes using collect_policy and save to the replay buffer.
        collect_episode(train_env, copied_tf_agent.collect_policy, collect_episodes_per_iteration)

        # Use data from the buffer and update the agent's network.
        experience = replay_buffer.gather_all()

        non_last_mask = tf.cast(tf.math.not_equal(experience.next_step_type, ts.StepType.LAST), tf.float32)
        discounts = non_last_mask * experience.discount * copied_tf_agent._gamma
        returns = value_ops.discounted_return(experience.reward, discounts, time_major=False)
        time_step = ts.TimeStep(experience.step_type, tf.zeros_like(experience.reward),
        meta_loss_info = copied_tf_agent.total_loss(time_step, experience.action, tf.stop_gradient(returns), weights=None)
        tf.debugging.check_numerics(meta_loss_info.loss, 'Loss is inf or nan')
        print('meta loss : ', meta_loss_info)
    variables_to_train = tf_agent._actor_network.trainable_weights
    if tf_agent._baseline:
        variables_to_train += tf_agent._value_network.trainable_weights
    grads = test_tape.gradient(meta_loss_info.loss, variables_to_train)
    print('meta grad ! :', tf.reduce_mean(grads[0], axis=1))

Since the values of grads from test_tape were all None, it produced error like below.

ValueError: Attempt to convert a value (None) with an unsupported type (<class 'NoneType'>) to a Tensor.

But loss itself seemed normal to me.

meta loss :  LossInfo(loss=<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=2.3132732>, extra=())

I guess or.. am sure that the loss(total_loss) function is way more complicated than just using single layer but still think the procedure is same. Maybe creating new agent -but cloned network- is not good idea. Currently I cannot found any good idea or reference.

sguada commented 5 years ago

Once you create a copy of variables the gradients don't follow through.