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TF-Agents: A reliable, scalable and easy to use TensorFlow library for Contextual Bandits and Reinforcement Learning.
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[PPO] Different trajectory structures in a data collection test of a custom environment #643

Open HWerneck opened 3 years ago

HWerneck commented 3 years ago

I am building a PPO agent side by side with the TF-Agents DQN tutorial. The idea was checking the basics structures needed for a simple tf-agent to work, and adapting it to a PPO agent.

I am also using a custom environment, ViZDoom. It installs and is working properly.

I am getting an error when testing the "collect_data" function. This is the code I am running and following it, the error I get (full code at the bottom):

data_doom_env = DoomEnvironment()
data_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(data_doom_env)

random_data_policy = random_tf_policy.RandomTFPolicy(data_env.time_step_spec(), data_env.action_spec())

collect_data(data_env, random_data_policy, replay_buffer, initial_collect_steps)
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-d4548f4adc88> in <module>()
      5 random_data_policy = random_tf_policy.RandomTFPolicy(data_env.time_step_spec(), data_env.action_spec())
----> 7 collect_data(data_env, random_data_policy, replay_buffer, initial_collect_steps)

4 frames
/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/tf_agents/utils/nest_utils.py in assert_same_structure(nest1, nest2, check_types, expand_composites, allow_shallow_nest1, message)
    124         lambda _: _DOT, nest2, expand_composites=expand_composites)
    125     raise exception('{}:\n  {}\nvs.\n  {}\nValues:\n  {}\nvs.\n  {}.'
--> 126                     .format(message, str1, str2, nest1, nest2))

TypeError: The two structures do not match:
{'action': .,
 'discount': .,
 'next_step_type': .,
 'observation': .,
 'policy_info': (),
 'reward': .,
 'step_type': .})
{'action': .,
 'discount': .,
 'next_step_type': .,
 'observation': .,
 'policy_info': DictWrapper({'dist_params': DictWrapper({'logits': .})}),
 'reward': .,
 'step_type': .})
{'action': <tf.Tensor: shape=(1,), dtype=int32, numpy=array([1], dtype=int32)>,
 'discount': <tf.Tensor: shape=(1,), dtype=float32, numpy=array([1.], dtype=float32)>,
 'next_step_type': <tf.Tensor: shape=(1,), dtype=int32, numpy=array([1], dtype=int32)>,
 'observation': <tf.Tensor: shape=(1, 1, 160, 260, 3), dtype=float32, numpy=
array([[[[[0.21568628, 0.21568628, 0.21568628],
          [0.2627451 , 0.2627451 , 0.2627451 ],
          [0.29411766, 0.29411766, 0.29411766],
          [0.29411766, 0.29411766, 0.29411766],
          [0.2627451 , 0.2627451 , 0.2627451 ],
          [0.15294118, 0.15294118, 0.15294118]],

         [[0.10588235, 0.10588235, 0.10588235],
          [0.15294118, 0.15294118, 0.15294118],
          [0.21568628, 0.21568628, 0.21568628],
          [0.15294118, 0.15294118, 0.15294118],
          [0.10588235, 0.10588235, 0.10588235],
          [0.10588235, 0.10588235, 0.10588235]],

         [[0.15294118, 0.15294118, 0.15294118],
          [0.13725491, 0.13725491, 0.13725491],
          [0.13725491, 0.13725491, 0.13725491],
          [0.15294118, 0.15294118, 0.15294118],
          [0.15294118, 0.15294118, 0.15294118],
          [0.15294118, 0.15294118, 0.15294118]],


         [[0.43529412, 0.34117648, 0.2627451 ],
          [0.43529412, 0.34117648, 0.2627451 ],
          [0.43529412, 0.34117648, 0.2627451 ],
          [0.43529412, 0.34117648, 0.2627451 ],
          [0.46666667, 0.37254903, 0.29411766],
          [0.46666667, 0.37254903, 0.29411766]],

         [[0.48235294, 0.3882353 , 0.30980393],
          [0.48235294, 0.3882353 , 0.30980393],
          [0.5137255 , 0.41960785, 0.34117648],
          [0.46666667, 0.37254903, 0.29411766],
          [0.46666667, 0.37254903, 0.29411766],
          [0.46666667, 0.37254903, 0.29411766]],

         [[0.40392157, 0.3254902 , 0.24705882],
          [0.43529412, 0.34117648, 0.2627451 ],
          [0.43529412, 0.34117648, 0.2627451 ],
          [0.43529412, 0.34117648, 0.2627451 ],
          [0.43529412, 0.34117648, 0.2627451 ],
          [0.43529412, 0.34117648, 0.2627451 ]]]]], dtype=float32)>,
 'policy_info': (),
 'reward': <tf.Tensor: shape=(1,), dtype=float32, numpy=array([-1.], dtype=float32)>,
 'step_type': <tf.Tensor: shape=(1,), dtype=int32, numpy=array([0], dtype=int32)>})
{'action': BoundedTensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=tf.int32, name='selected_action', minimum=array(0, dtype=int32), maximum=array(4, dtype=int32)),
 'discount': BoundedTensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=tf.float32, name='discount', minimum=array(0., dtype=float32), maximum=array(1., dtype=float32)),
 'next_step_type': TensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=tf.int32, name='step_type'),
 'observation': BoundedTensorSpec(shape=(1, 160, 260, 3), dtype=tf.float32, name='screen_observation', minimum=array(0., dtype=float32), maximum=array(1., dtype=float32)),
 'policy_info': {'dist_params': {'logits': TensorSpec(shape=(5,), dtype=tf.float32, name='CategoricalProjectionNetwork_logits')}},
 'reward': TensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=tf.float32, name='reward'),
 'step_type': TensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=tf.int32, name='step_type')}).

I don't really know how to proceed or what to try, I am really stuck. Does anybody have any idea why the trajectories are displaying different structures? By the way, why are there two trajectories? Is it like the trajectory that is created and the "mould", what it expects the trajectory structure to be?

Full code:

from google.colab import drive
# To check Python version:
# !python3 --version

# Install deps from 
# https://github.com/mwydmuch/ViZDoom/blob/master/doc/Building.md#-linux
!sudo apt update
!sudo apt upgrade

!sudo apt install build-essential zlib1g-dev libsdl2-dev libjpeg-dev nasm tar libbz2-dev libgtk2.0-dev \
cmake git libfluidsynth-dev libgme-dev libopenal-dev timidity libwildmidi-dev unzip

# Boost libraries
!sudo apt install libboost-all-dev

# Lua binding dependencies
!sudo apt install liblua5.1-dev

!pip install tf-agents

!pip install git+https://github.com/mwydmuch/ViZDoom
#!pip uninstall vizdoom
#!pip install vizdoom

!sudo apt update
!sudo apt upgrade
from vizdoom import *
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sbrn

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras

from tf_agents.agents.ppo import ppo_agent
from tf_agents.environments import py_environment
from tf_agents.environments import tf_py_environment

from tf_agents.specs import array_spec, BoundedArraySpec, ArraySpec
from tf_agents.networks.actor_distribution_rnn_network import ActorDistributionRnnNetwork
from tf_agents.networks.value_rnn_network import ValueRnnNetwork

from tf_agents.trajectories import trajectory, time_step
from tf_agents.policies import random_tf_policy
from tf_agents.replay_buffers import tf_uniform_replay_buffer

import time
import random
class DoomEnvironment (py_environment.PyEnvironment):

  def __init__(self):

    self._game = self.create_environment()
    self._state = self._game.get_state()
    self._num_actions = self._game.get_available_buttons_size()

    self._screen_type = 0
    self._frame_stack_size = 1
    self._stacked_frames = np.zeros((self._frame_stack_size, 160, 260, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    self._doom_vars = [0] * 9

    self._action_spec = array_spec.BoundedArraySpec(shape=(), dtype=np.int32, minimum=0, maximum=self._num_actions - 1, name='selected_action')

    #1. Single image observation
    self._observation_spec = array_spec.BoundedArraySpec(shape=(self._frame_stack_size, 160, 260, 3), dtype=np.float32, minimum=0, maximum=1, name='screen_observation')

  def create_environment(self):
    ### New game instance
    game = DoomGame()

    ### Adjust configuration file path
    game.load_config('/content/drive/My Drive/ViZDoom/Config/Test_configuration.cfg')

    ### Adjust game scenario path
    game.set_doom_scenario_path('/content/drive/My Drive/ViZDoom/Maps/basic.wad')

    ### Google Colab does not support the video output of ViZDoom. The following line is needed for the environment to be run.

    ### Adding relevant variables (reward-related variables)

    #Instantiate the game

    #return game, possible_actions
    return game

  def _reset(self):
    self._stacked_frames = np.zeros((self._frame_stack_size, 160, 260, 3), dtype=np.float32)
    self._doom_vars = [0] * 9
    t_step = time_step.restart(self._create_observation())
    return t_step

  def action_spec(self):
    return self._action_spec

  def observation_spec(self):
    return self._observation_spec

  def _create_observation(self):
    screen = self.stack_frames()
    observation_spec = screen
    return observation_spec

  def _step(self, selected_action):
    if (self._game.is_episode_finished()):
      return self.reset()

    repeating_tics = 1

    #Creates a vector with all possible actions set to 0, then set the selected action to 1.
    action = [0] * self._num_actions
    action[selected_action] = 1

    #Makes action, receives reward.
    reward = self._game.make_action(action, repeating_tics)

    if (self._game.is_episode_finished()):
      return time_step.termination(self._create_observation(), reward)
      return time_step.transition(self._create_observation(), reward)

  def stack_frames(self):
    new_frame = self.preprocess_frame()

    if self._game.is_new_episode():
      for frame in range(self._frame_stack_size):
        self._stacked_frames[frame] = new_frame
      for frame in range((self._frame_stack_size) - 1):
        self._stacked_frames[frame] = self._stacked_frames[frame + 1]
      self._stacked_frames[self._frame_stack_size - 1] = new_frame
    return self._stacked_frames

  def preprocess_frame(self):
      Preprocess frame before stacking it:
        - Region-of-interest (ROI) selected from the original frame.
          Frame is cut by 40 pixels up and down, and 30 pixels for left and right.
        - Normalize images to interval [0,1]
    frame = self.get_screen_buffer_frame()
    if (self._screen_type == 0):
      frame = self.get_screen_buffer_frame()
    elif (self._screen_type == 1):
      frame = self.get_label_buffer_frame()

    roi = frame[40:-40, 30:-30]
    roi_normal = np.divide(roi, 255, dtype=np.float32)
    return roi_normal

  def get_screen_buffer_frame(self):
    """ Get the current game screen buffer or an empty screen buffer if episode is finished"""
    if (self._game.is_episode_finished()):
        return np.zeros((240, 320, 3), dtype=np.float32)
        return self._game.get_state().screen_buffer

  def get_label_buffer_frame(self):
    """ Get the current game label screen buffer or an empty screen buffer if episode is finished"""
    if (self._game.is_episode_finished()):
        return np.zeros((240, 320, 3), dtype=np.float32)
        return self._game.get_state().labels_buffer

  def render(self, mode='rgb_array'):
    """ Return game frame for rendering. """
    return self.get_screen_buffer_frame()
initial_collect_steps = 1000 # @param {type:"integer"}
max_steps_per_episode = 100 # @param {type:"integer"} #4200
number_of_episodes = 500 # @param {type:"integer"} #10000
number_of_epochs = 3 # @param {type:"integer"} #10

batch_size = 1 # @param {type:"integer"}
replay_buffer_max_size = 10000 # @param {type: "integer"}

learning_rate = 5e-4 # @param {type:"number"}
epsilon = 1e-5 # @param {type:"number"}
discount_factor = 0.995 # @param {type:"number"}
def create_networks(observation_spec, action_spec):
  actor_net = ActorDistributionRnnNetwork(
      observation_spec, action_spec,
      conv_layer_params = [(16, 8, 4), (32, 4, 2)],
      input_fc_layer_params = (256,),
      lstm_size = (256,),
      output_fc_layer_params = (128,),
      activation_fn = tf.nn.elu)
  value_net = ValueRnnNetwork(
      conv_layer_params = [(16, 8, 4), (32, 4, 2)],
      input_fc_layer_params = (256,),
      lstm_size = (256,),
      output_fc_layer_params = (128,),
      activation_fn = tf.nn.elu)

  return actor_net, value_net
def compute_average_return (environment, policy, number_of_episodes=10):
  total_return = 0.0
  for episode in range(number_of_episodes):
    time_step = environment.reset()
    episode_return = 0.0
    step = 0

    while not (time_step.is_last() or step >= 100):
      action_step = policy.action(time_step)
      time_step = environment.step(action_step.action)
      episode_return += time_step.reward #episode_return += time_step.reward
      step += 1
    total_return += episode_return

  average_return = total_return/number_of_episodes
  return average_return.numpy()[0]
##This is the most similar bit to the one that is producing the error. This part works ok and is printing out different values every time I run this code
metrics_doom_env = DoomEnvironment()
metrics_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(metrics_doom_env)

random_metrics_policy = random_tf_policy.RandomTFPolicy(metrics_env.time_step_spec(), metrics_env.action_spec())

compute_average_return (metrics_env, random_metrics_policy, 10)
env = DoomEnvironment()
tf_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(env)
evaluation_tf_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(env)

actor_net, value_net = create_networks(tf_env.observation_spec(), tf_env.action_spec())

global_step = tf.compat.v1.train.get_or_create_global_step()
#optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate = learning_rate)
optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate = learning_rate, epsilon = epsilon)

agent = ppo_agent.PPOAgent(
    time_step_spec = tf_env.time_step_spec(),
    action_spec = tf_env.action_spec(),
    actor_net = actor_net,
    value_net = value_net,
    optimizer = optimizer,
    num_epochs = number_of_epochs,
    train_step_counter = global_step,
    discount_factor = discount_factor,
    gradient_clipping = 0.5,
    entropy_regularization = 1e-2,
    importance_ratio_clipping = 0.2,
    use_gae = True,
    use_td_lambda_return = True)

replay_buffer = tf_uniform_replay_buffer.TFUniformReplayBuffer(
#This is not code, it is the output of the previous code block! I thought it might be helpful.
{'action': BoundedTensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=tf.int32, name='selected_action', minimum=array(0, dtype=int32), maximum=array(4, dtype=int32)),
 'discount': BoundedTensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=tf.float32, name='discount', minimum=array(0., dtype=float32), maximum=array(1., dtype=float32)),
 'next_step_type': TensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=tf.int32, name='step_type'),
 'observation': BoundedTensorSpec(shape=(1, 160, 260, 3), dtype=tf.float32, name='screen_observation', minimum=array(0., dtype=float32), maximum=array(1., dtype=float32)),
 'policy_info': {'dist_params': {'logits': TensorSpec(shape=(5,), dtype=tf.float32, name='CategoricalProjectionNetwork_logits')}},
 'reward': TensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=tf.float32, name='reward'),
 'step_type': TensorSpec(shape=(), dtype=tf.int32, name='step_type')}))
def collect_step(environment, policy, buffer):
  t_step = environment.current_time_step()
  action_step = policy.action(t_step)
  next_t_step = environment.step(action_step.action)

  trajectory_input = trajectory.from_transition(t_step, action_step, next_t_step)

def collect_data(environment, policy, buffer, steps):
  for step in range(steps):
    collect_step(environment, policy, buffer)
data_doom_env = DoomEnvironment()
data_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(data_doom_env)

random_data_policy = random_tf_policy.RandomTFPolicy(data_env.time_step_spec(), data_env.action_spec())

collect_data(data_env, random_data_policy, replay_buffer, initial_collect_steps)

I do not have further code, since the application breaks here.

HWerneck commented 3 years ago

Sorry bumping this up, but can't anyone help?

samarth-robo commented 3 years ago

For observations, it seems like the replay buffer is expecting a batch of [1, 160, 260, 3] elements of batch_size = 1 i.e. a tensor of dims [1, 1, 160, 260, 3].

But when you do trajectory.from_transition(t_step, action_step, next_t_step) in collect_step(), both t_step and next_t_step have observations of dims [1, 160, 260, 3].

As mentioned in the tutorial, using a driver will most likely solve these issues. For example, see how the DynamicEpisodeDriver adds the batch dimension at https://github.com/tensorflow/agents/blob/v0.9.0/tf_agents/drivers/dynamic_episode_driver.py#L140.

Just a guess, looking at the error message.

PascalReich commented 2 years ago

I have this problem right now. Any news?

I was thinking it could it be the differing 'policy_info' field, but I just ran into more errors later on.

YacineKaci commented 2 years ago


In replay_buffer, you specified: data_spec=agent.collect_data_spec Or PPO agent and RandomTFPolicy agent have different data_spec. (PPO algorithm gather n_steps step/trajectories at each iteration)

As opposite to DQN agent, the PPO agent don't need to instantiate the replay buffer with trajectories build from random policy.

pegazik80 commented 2 years ago


In replay_buffer, you specified: data_spec=agent.collect_data_spec Or PPO agent and RandomTFPolicy agent have different data_spec. (PPO algorithm gather n_steps step/trajectories at each iteration)

As opposite to DQN agent, the PPO agent don't need to instantiate the replay buffer with trajectories build from random policy.

Hi, I have the same problem at the moment. indeed both me and HWerneck specify data_spec=agent.collect_data_spec in replay buffer and indeed it seems this is wrong. Shouldn't PPO agent automatically add n_steps dimention if it needs it? Is there a way to expand data_spec by hand?

games commented 2 years ago

hi, same problem here, really no idea how to fix it, can anyone give some hints?