tensorflow / decision-forests

A collection of state-of-the-art algorithms for the training, serving and interpretation of Decision Forest models in Keras.
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How do tf decision forests handle categorical variables? #87

Closed Cheril311 closed 2 years ago

Cheril311 commented 2 years ago

This is more of a question than an issue. I see that tensorflow decision forests can handle categorical features by itself, however I could not find the encoding strategy they use to convert categorical features. Can anyone help me understand this?

achoum commented 2 years ago


The categorical_algorithm argument controls the consumption of categorical features (for example, see the Random Forest API or the hyper-parameters page).



How to learn splits on categorical attributes.

  1. CART (default): CART algorithm. Find categorical splits of the form "value \in mask". The solution is exact for binary classification, regression and ranking. It is approximated for multi-class classification. This is a good first algorithm to use. In case of overfitting (very small dataset, large dictionary), the "random" algorithm is a good alternative.

An example of such condition: attribute_1 in ["cat", "lion", "tiger"]

  1. ONE_HOT: One-hot encoding. Find the optimal categorical split of the form "attribute == param". This method is similar (but more efficient) than converting converting each possible categorical value into a boolean feature. This method is available for comparison purpose and generally performs worse than other alternatives.

An example of such condition: attribute_1 == "cat"

  1. RANDOM: Best splits among a set of random candidate. Find the a categorical split of the form "value \in mask" using a random search. This solution can be seen as an approximation of the CART algorithm. This method is a strong alternative to CART. This algorithm is inspired from section "5.1 Categorical Variables" of "Random Forest", 2001. Default: "CART".

An example of such condition: attribute_1 in ["cat", "lion", "tiger"]

A fourth algorithm is available for categorical set features (e.g. feature values made of a set of categorical items). You can learn more with the categorical_set* arguments.

An example of such condition: attribute_2 intersect ["cat", "lion", "tiger"]

Cheril311 commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot @achoum, sorry for the late reply