tensorflow / gan

Tooling for GANs in TensorFlow
Apache License 2.0
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Not working #33

Closed rockerritesh closed 4 years ago

rockerritesh commented 4 years ago

I run this colab in https://colab.research.google.com/github/tensorflow/gan/blob/master/tensorflow_gan/examples/colab_notebooks/tfgan_tutorial.ipynb#scrollTo=83-azWpoYsDg&uniqifier=5&line=10 and found this error

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () 8 # Allow matplotlib images to render immediately. 9 get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline') ---> 10 tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.ERROR) # Disable noisy outputs. AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'logging'
pizhn commented 4 years ago

Specify tensorflow version using %tensorflow_version 1.x

rockerritesh commented 4 years ago

@oycz Are u sure? Send me screenshot.

pizhn commented 4 years ago


rockerritesh commented 4 years ago

Oh Thanks!!