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Implementing Dropout in Haskell Interface #63

Open rbharath opened 7 years ago

rbharath commented 7 years ago

As an exercise to test my understanding, I've been trying to implement a simple dropout operation in the Haskell interface to Tensorflow. Following the example https://github.com/tensorflow/haskell/blob/master/tensorflow-mnist/app/Main.hs, I tried defining a function

-- | Create random bitmask
randomMask :: Int64 -> TF.Shape -> TF.Build (TF.Tensor TF.Value Float)
randomMask (TF.Shape shape) =
    TF.round (TF.randomUniform (TF.vector shape))

to sample a random bitmask. However, I'm getting the error

        Not in scope: ‘TF.round’
        Perhaps you meant one of these:
          ‘TF.run’ (imported from TensorFlow.Core),
          ‘TF.run_’ (imported from TensorFlow.Core)

    /home/rbharath/tensorflow-haskell/tensorflow-mnist/app/MainWithDropout.hs:49:15: Not in scope: ‘TF.randomUniform’

Tensorflow's python API exports tf.round and tf.random_uniform. The existing MNIST example uses TF.truncateNormal as well. What would be the best way for me to surface round and random_uniform from the underlying tensorflow? (Or is my approach here wrong entirely? I don't understand this codebase well, so any general pointers much appreciated :-))

judah commented 7 years ago

You can import them from TensorFlow.GenOps.Core from the tensorflow-core-ops package; for example: https://tensorflow.github.io/haskell/haddock/tensorflow-core-ops-

The full Haddocks are here: https://tensorflow.github.io/haskell/haddock

So far the TensorFlow.Ops module only reexports a subset of TensorFlow.Core.Ops. I'm not sure if we have a story around how the two will relate long-term, but both of the functions you mentioned seem reasonable to add to the reexport list.

rbharath commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the helpful response! This got me past the first roadblock. I'm now trying to re-export randomUniform from TensorFlow.Core.Ops to TensorFlow.Ops. I followed the template from truncateNormal since these have the same signature in the haddock (see here, here)

-- Random tensor from the unit normal distribution with bounded values.
truncatedNormal :: forall a v . TensorType a
                => Tensor v Int64  -- ^ Shape.
                -> Build (Tensor Value a)
truncatedNormal = buildOp $ opDef "TruncatedNormal"
                          & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: a)
                          & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: Int64)

-- Random tensor from uniform distribution
randomUniform :: forall a v . TensorType a
              => Tensor v Int64 -- ^ Shape.
              -> Build (Tensor Value a)
randomUniform = buildOp $ opDef "RandomUniform"
                        & opAttr "dtype" .~ tensorType (undefined :: a)
                        & opAttr "T" .~ tensorType (undefined :: Int64)

When I go to compile however, GHC complains:

        Could not deduce (t /= GHC.Int.Int8,
                          t /= GHC.Int.Int16,
                          t /= GHC.Word.Word8,
                          t /= ByteString,
                          t /= Bool)
          arising from a use of ‘CoreOps.round’
        from the context (TensorType t)
          bound by the type signature for
                     TensorFlow.Ops.round :: TensorType t =>
                                             Tensor v1 t -> Tensor Value t
          at src/TensorFlow/Ops.hs:288:10-56
        Relevant bindings include
          round :: Tensor v1 t -> Tensor Value t
            (bound at src/TensorFlow/Ops.hs:289:1)
        In the expression: CoreOps.round
        In an equation for ‘round’: round = CoreOps.round

My apologies if this is an obvious Haskell error. I'm new to Haskell development, so nothing leaped out as obviously wrong. Any pointers much appreciated :-)

judah commented 7 years ago

You can do something simpler: since you're just reexporting the functions without changing them, you can just list them in the export list directly as CoreOps.round, etc., without defining a local version, similar to the treatment of CoreOps.add: https://github.com/tensorflow/haskell/blob/master/tensorflow-ops/src/TensorFlow/Ops.hs#L60

For the error message you ran into: you can see the signature of CoreOps.round here: https://tensorflow.github.io/haskell/haddock/tensorflow-core-ops- The type signature you've written is missing the OneOf constraint, which is documented here: https://tensorflow.github.io/haskell/haddock/tensorflow-

rbharath commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the explanations again! I think I'm now comfortable with using the CoreOps, and I've managed to implement a simple dropout function in Tensorflow.NN. I'm trying to put together a reasonable test for it, but the types are defeating me:


-- | Computes dropout on neural network
dropout :: (OneOf '[Double, Float] a, TensorType a, Num a)
        => Tensor Value a  -- ^ __x__
        -> a               -- ^__keepProb__
        -> Build (Tensor Value a)
dropout x keepProb = do
    x' <- render x 
    keepProb' <- render $ TF.scalar keepProb
    withNameScope "dropout" $ do
        randUnif <- TF.randomUniform (TF.shape x') 
        randomTensor <- render $ keepProb' `TF.add` randUnif
        binaryTensor <- render $ TF.floor randomTensor
        render $ (x' `TF.div` keepProb') `TF.mul` binaryTensor


-- Adapated from https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/master/tensorflow/python/ops/nn_test.py
-- Runs dropout with 0-1 tensor 10 times, sum the number of ones and validate
-- that it is producing the right number of ones over a large number of
-- samples, based on the keep prob
testDropout :: Test
testDropout = testCase "testDropout" $ do
    let xDim = 40
        yDim = 30  
        shape = [xDim, yDim]
        keepProbs = [0.1, 0.5, 0.8] :: [Float]
        tfDropped = TF.dropout (TF.ones shape) (0.5 :: Float)
        numOnes = TF.sum tfDropped [0, 1]
    r <- run $ TF.render $ TF.sum tfDropped [0, 1]
    assertAllClose (V.fromList [r]) (V.fromList [600.0])

The test in its current form isn't complete, but I'm not able to make it compile yet. I'm getting type complaints:

    Preprocessing test suite 'NNTest' for tensorflow-nn-
    [1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( tests/NNTest.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-dkd1ce2ff9c9560b648268df668d177711/Cabal- )

        Couldn't match type ‘TF.BuildT
                               (TensorFlow.Tensor.Tensor TensorFlow.Tensor.Value Float)’
                       with ‘TensorFlow.Tensor.Tensor v10 t’
        Expected type: TensorFlow.Tensor.Tensor v10 t
          Actual type: TF.Build
                         (TensorFlow.Tensor.Tensor TensorFlow.Tensor.Value Float)
        Relevant bindings include
          numOnes :: TensorFlow.Tensor.Tensor TensorFlow.Tensor.Value t
            (bound at tests/NNTest.hs:111:9)
        In the first argument of ‘TF.sum’, namely ‘tfDropped’
        In the expression: TF.sum tfDropped [0, 1]

        Couldn't match type ‘TF.BuildT
                               (TensorFlow.Tensor.Tensor TensorFlow.Tensor.Value Float)’
                       with ‘TensorFlow.Tensor.Tensor v1 a0’
        Expected type: TensorFlow.Tensor.Tensor v1 a0
          Actual type: TF.Build
                         (TensorFlow.Tensor.Tensor TensorFlow.Tensor.Value Float)
        In the first argument of ‘TF.sum’, namely ‘tfDropped’
        In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely ‘TF.sum tfDropped [0, 1]’

It looks like tfDropped lives in the Build Monad, but TF.sum expects arguments not in the monad. I've been staring at this for a while, but it's defeating my weak Monad knowledge :). Do you have any hints on the right way to structure this test?

fkm3 commented 7 years ago

(warning: haven't tried to compile any of this)

Loosely speaking, you can use the >>= operator to work with values inside the monad

    let xDim = 40
        yDim = 30  
        shape = [xDim, yDim]
        tfDropped = TF.dropout (TF.ones shape) (0.5 :: Float)
        numOnes = tfDropped >>= \x -> TF.render (TF.sum x [0, 1])
    r <- run numOnes

Or, with do notation

    let xDim = 40
        yDim = 30  
        shape = [xDim, yDim]
    r <- run $ do
        tfDropped <- TF.dropout (TF.ones shape) (0.5 :: Float)
        TF.render (TF.sum tfDropped [0, 1])