To sum up, I think this is a limitation right now, because as it does work for colors, so it should work for texts across bounding boxes. I could not spot a limitation that would force only one text display per image.
If you also agree, I would volunteer to help with a fix attempt @yongtang @terrytangyuan
can essentially only draw one text output per imageI think this issue got first mentioned in
However, it got labelled as an enhancement, though it looks more like an imposed limitation in the implementation as it currently is.
A simple example that works is having a single box inside a single image, with a single color code and a single text output:
We already know from
that there is no point in trying without a batch dimension, as there is a check for the image rank to be 4:This is also what the PR by @yongtang that added this feature demonstrates as well
It's also spiritually the same as the one test available in the code at
Now, still within a batch size of 1 (one image), we could have more boxes, each with their own text labels and colors, but this does not work:
batch sizes should be the same
refers to the batch size of images and texts, which required intensorflow/io/tensorflow_io/core/kernels/
:Yet, interestingly, not required for colors....
Okay, then let's try to make the shape batch size fit the image batch size, as the OP requires:
But then we hit this error:
The rank of the texts tensor should be 1
is required by another op:tensorflow/io/tensorflow_io/core/kernels/
:But does it work for colors only, no text? Yes
To sum up, I think this is a limitation right now, because as it does work for colors, so it should work for texts across bounding boxes. I could not spot a limitation that would force only one text display per image.
If you also agree, I would volunteer to help with a fix attempt @yongtang @terrytangyuan
Here is a link to the demo notebook with the above cells: