Open micosacak opened 3 years ago
What jars are you copying in? It looks like it's not got any of the dependent jars, so you probably need to build an uberjar, or copy in all the dependencies.
I did not build as uberjar. I am trying to learn how to do it now. Thanks.
I converted it uberjar and still get exactly the same problem. I copy pasted mypackage-uberjar.jar file into Plugins and still have the same problem.
I added the folowing insrc/assembly/uberjar.xml
and the following in pom.xml
in <build><plugins> ... <plugins> </build>
I don't think that's going to include the right dependencies. It doesn't mention ndarray or tensorflow-core-api. Why don't you use Maven's dependency resolution to figure out the set of necessary jars?
For example in Tribuo we build uberjars like this
I have 2 problems here; if I use the jar file jar-with-dependencies
I cannot find my plugin in FiJi plugins. If use uberjar.jar
file, I can see my plugin in FiJi plugins but this time it raises the same error.
Based on the file sizes I can say that uberjar
and jar-wit-dependencies
have dependencies.
I also posted my question here
Presumably there's a service descriptor in the uberjar which isn't present in the with deps jar. Try listing the contents of each one to figure out what's missing. They are just zip files you could merge them if necessary.
I realized that jar-with-dependencies actually does not have all jar files required and the files inside are all folders as below. However, uberjar has many jar files that are dependecy required. The problem is if I use this uberjar in fiji it raises the same error.
I do not know where else to ask to get more help except here and SO.
for jar-with-dependencies
04/07/2021 10:04 <DIR> .
04/07/2021 10:04 <DIR> ..
03/17/2016 12:55 <DIR> assets
02/05/2016 17:16 <DIR> bsh
01/19/2016 13:29 <DIR> clojure
02/18/2017 22:51 <DIR> com
12/05/2016 11:04 207
09/17/2016 17:34 <DIR> data
04/07/2021 09:46 <DIR> de
11/25/2015 21:45 <DIR> edu
09/17/2016 17:34 <DIR> examples
12/13/2014 17:09 <DIR> fr
06/03/2012 21:37 <DIR> gnu
05/28/2019 16:38 <DIR> google
01/10/2017 18:57 <DIR> groovy
01/10/2017 18:57 <DIR> groovyjarjarantlr
01/10/2017 18:57 <DIR> groovyjarjarasm
01/10/2017 18:57 <DIR> groovyjarjarcommonscli
05/09/2014 07:21 <DIR> groovyx
08/01/2008 10:12 <DIR> hidden
12/22/2018 20:44 <DIR> icons
12/05/2016 11:04 207
10/16/2018 16:09 <DIR> io
06/17/2013 11:53 <DIR> Jama
08/17/2017 12:57 <DIR> jitk
05/30/2017 14:05 <DIR> jni
04/20/2018 13:24 <DIR> jnr
04/20/2018 13:24 <DIR> jruby
05/09/2011 15:00 <DIR> jsr166y
12/19/2018 12:32 <DIR> Lib
12/05/2016 11:04 207
12/19/2018 12:32 19,442 LICENSE
04/15/2015 13:32 16,780 LICENSE.txt
08/01/2008 10:12 <DIR> licenses
03/13/2019 19:30 <DIR> luts
04/07/2021 09:46 <DIR> META-INF
11/16/2018 19:08 169 module-info.class
12/13/2014 17:09 34
12/28/2018 15:51 <DIR> net
09/26/2011 21:08 481,937 netlib-java-0.9.3-sources.jar
12/26/2013 21:10 <DIR> org
01/10/2017 18:56 2,204 overview.html
01/10/2017 18:56 2,191 overviewj.html
12/05/2016 11:04 207
12/05/2016 11:09 207
12/05/2016 11:04 207
11/17/2016 02:45 40 rootdoc.txt
12/05/2016 11:10 <DIR> scala
07/20/2016 14:33 120
12/05/2016 11:04 497
11/01/2016 10:20 112
12/05/2016 11:04 207
04/30/2017 14:13 <DIR> script_templates
01/25/2018 14:48 <DIR> tables
08/01/2013 16:00 <DIR> ucar
18 File(s) 524,975 bytes
37 Dir(s) 241,894,510,592 bytes free
and for uberjar.jar
there are too many jar file. I show the last ones which include jar files for tensorflow as well.
04/01/2021 09:16 4,616 modulator-1.0.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 246,777 multiverse-core-0.7.0.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 32,927 nailgun-server-0.9.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:14 229,132 ndarray-0.3.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 604,886 netlib-java-0.9.3-renjin-patched-2.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 25,501 object-inspector-0.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 1,763,194 ojalgo-45.1.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 14,188 options-1.4.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 44,517 parsington-1.0.4.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 250,546 plexus-utils-1.5.6.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 118,147 prettytime-4.0.1.Final.jar
04/01/2021 09:14 1,634,485 protobuf-java-3.8.0.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 25,429 regexp-1.3.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 23,134 renjin-appl-0.8.1906.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 3,211,680 renjin-core-0.8.1906.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 85,644 renjin-gnur-runtime-0.8.1906.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 17,452 renjin-script-engine-0.8.1906.jar
04/01/2021 09:17 1,188,593 rhino-1.7.6.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 1,155,639 rsyntaxtextarea-2.6.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 9,807,458 scala-compiler-2.12.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 5,272,325 scala-library-2.12.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 3,538,697 scala-reflect-2.12.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 547,860 scala-xml_2.12-1.0.6.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 1,034,927 scifio-0.37.3.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 1,007,491 scifio-jai-imageio-1.1.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:14 893,921 scijava-common-2.77.0.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 23,508 scijava-plugins-commands-0.2.3.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 9,431 scijava-plugins-platforms-0.3.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 4,362 scijava-plugins-text-markdown-0.1.3.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 4,301 scijava-plugins-text-plain-0.1.3.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 79,350 scijava-search-0.6.0.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 56,524 scijava-table-0.4.0.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 48,873 scijava-ui-awt-0.1.6.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 187,837 scijava-ui-swing-0.12.0.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 202,296 script-editor-0.5.0.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 12,063 scripting-beanshell-0.3.3.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 9,331 scripting-clojure-0.1.6.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 15,933 scripting-groovy-0.2.7.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 18,936 scripting-java-0.4.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 7,746 scripting-javascript-0.4.4.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 8,369 scripting-jruby-0.3.0.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 5,758 scripting-jython-0.4.2.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 7,212 scripting-renjin-0.2.2.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 7,082 scripting-scala-0.2.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 759,376 stats-0.8.1906.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 8,607 swing-checkbox-tree-1.0.2.jar
04/01/2021 09:14 62,309,419 tensorflow-core-api-0.3.1-linux-x86_64.jar
04/01/2021 09:14 74,368,558 tensorflow-core-api-0.3.1-macosx-x86_64.jar
04/01/2021 09:14 33,743,167 tensorflow-core-api-0.3.1-windows-x86_64.jar
04/01/2021 09:14 5,985,295 tensorflow-core-api-0.3.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 2,373 tensorflow-core-platform-0.3.1.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 2,523,218 trove4j-3.0.3.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 126,892 udunits-4.3.18.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 3,329 unsafe-fences-1.0.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 394,440 utils-0.8.1906.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 94,027 VectorGraphics2D-0.13.jar
04/01/2021 09:13 266,705 xchart-3.5.4.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 935 xerbla-0.8.jar
04/01/2021 09:16 94,672 xz-1.0.jar
157 File(s) 318,987,051 bytes
4 Dir(s) 241,892,950,016 bytes free
So I'd guess that the with-dependencies jar has clobbered the META-INF/json/org.scijava.plugin.Plugin
file which is supposed to contain all the plugins inside a jar and is read on ImageJ startup. You can fix this by manually merging them, or appending the files during with-dependencies jar construction. I've done this before with a similar issue when using Apache Lucene, but it's a pain to specify.
It looks like Imagej doesn't really recommend single jar deployment ( probably because it's tricky given their service discovery model. In which case run mvn dependencies:build-classpath
and then copy all the jars it lists into wherever you're deploying and put them on your classpath. Note I think by default that build-classpath command will build a classpath that includes any test time dependencies which you might not need in a real deployment, so you should exclude those.
The maven project that I have works fine if run it as Java Application. It does not raise error if I build it eclipse. This a FiJi plugin. As a result, if I copy paste jar file into "FiJi/plugins" or use "install plugins" I still do not have any problem. However, when I choose the plugin, it raises the following error.
In brief, I have models (tensorflow) trained using Python. Then, I load the models in tensorflow/java (0.3.1) . As I wrote above I do not have any problem (if I run the project as Java Application) loading the models and predicting images using tensorflow/java.
I am using windows, but I have the same problem if I run it on Linux as well.