Open mullerhai opened 2 years ago org.tensorflow.ndarray.impl.dense.DoubleDenseNdArray
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
Unfortunately there is no endpoint out-of-the-box for serializing/deserializing an NdArray
. It would be a great addition though. You probably want to save the array type, shape and data instead of an object?
Can you show me how you initialize your NdArray
? That might give me some cue on how we can tackle this.
Unfortunately there is no endpoint out-of-the-box for serializing/deserializing an
. It would be a great addition though. You probably want to save the array type, shape and data instead of an object?Can you show me how you initialize your
? That might give me some cue on how we can tackle this.
thanks, let me see. Now we have three ways to generate NdArray
val testMatrix1 = StdArrays.ndCopyOf(Array[Array[Int]](Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 45), Array(2, 4, 6, 8, 10), Array(3, 6, 9, 12, 15), Array(4, 8, 12, 16, 20)))
val testMatrix2 = StdArrays.ndCopyOf(Array[Array[Int]](Array(1), Array(0), Array(1), Array(1)))
from data disk file like csv or zip file or inputStream , nio Databuffers
private def readArchive(archiveName: String) = {
// val dataset =classOf[MnistDataset].getClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(archiveName) //NullPointerException
val dataset = new
val gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream(dataset)
val archiveStream = new DataInputStream(gzipInputStream) //new GZIPInputStream(new"src/main/resources/"+archiveName))
// )
archiveStream.readShort // first two bytes are always 0
val magic = archiveStream.readByte
if (magic != TYPE_UBYTE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"" + archiveName + "\" is not a valid archive")
val numDims = archiveStream.readByte
val dimSizes = new Array[Long](numDims)
var size = 1 // for simplicity, we assume that total size does not exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE
for (i <- 0 until dimSizes.length) {
dimSizes(i) = archiveStream.readInt
size = size * dimSizes(i).toInt
println(s"size ${size}")
val bytes = new Array[Byte](size)
NdArrays.wrap(Shape.of(dimSizes: _*), DataBuffers.of(bytes, true, false))
3.from spark dataframe vectorUDT to generate
here need to import three package,some complex convert to generate, I think maybe could from ndarray return regenerate spark dataframe to write like csv or parquet file
4.also from Operand[T] tensor or tfrecord Dataset
here I only see from ndArray to generate tensor ,and from Dataset to generate ndArray
Hi: when I generate NdArray obj from spark dataframe ,I want to save the NdArray obj for next model training,but I don't know how to save it.