tensorflow / lingvo

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Conformer/ ContextNet RNN-Transducer loss computation #236

Open pyyush opened 3 years ago

pyyush commented 3 years ago

Does lingvo include the RNN-Transducer loss computation ?

protoget commented 3 years ago

No the RNNT loss impl isn't included.

galv commented 3 years ago

I can probably implement RNN-T loss function, at some point, if there is enough interest. It is straight forward to implement if you have an understanding of the CTC loss function's implementation in tensorflow. Can people respond with upvotes on this comment if you are seriously interested in it? Note that there would be absolutely no guarantees that is performant, or that I would even make the time to do it.

I'm not a developer of lingvo to clarify, but this appears to be a common ask from a lot of people.

protoget commented 3 years ago

Re @galv on our side we don't have a plan to OSS the impl. So 'plz go ahead' from my side.

Mddct commented 3 years ago

Any plan for this?