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Multiple GPU in model_main.py (since there is no more train.py) #5421

Open waltermaldonado opened 5 years ago

waltermaldonado commented 5 years ago

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I would like to know how to proceed to use both of my GPUs for training a Faster R-CNN with NASNet-A featurization model with the model_main.py file included in the object_detection tools now that train.py is gone. If it is not possible, I would like to request this feature or a workaround to make it work.

Thanks in advance.

CasiaFan commented 5 years ago

@kjkim-kr Thanks for reporting this case. I didn't try legacy/train.py but I checked the trainer.py and found it allocated data queue and training process to each gpu using tf.device directly, which should be more efficient since a fairly fundamental api. Have you tried to set a smaller batch-size in both modes and to check if the MirroredStrategy mode will occupy more memory?

sp-ananth commented 4 years ago

Hello there, are there any updates on this? We could switch over to the legacy train.py, but model_main.py does evaluation on the test set during training and is definitely preferable.

Also, can we get an update on whether the solution provided by @CasiaFan (thanks!) is an acceptable one?


harsh306 commented 4 years ago

Hello there, are there any updates on this? We could switch over to the legacy train.py, but model_main.py does evaluation on the test set during training and is definitely preferable.

Also, can we get an update on whether the solution provided by @CasiaFan (thanks!) is an acceptable one?

Yes, I switched to legacy/train and it worked.

sp-ananth commented 4 years ago

Hello there, are there any updates on this? We could switch over to the legacy train.py, but model_main.py does evaluation on the test set during training and is definitely preferable. Also, can we get an update on whether the solution provided by @CasiaFan (thanks!) is an acceptable one?

Yes, I switched to legacy/train and it worked.

Yes, as I said above I was wondering whether or not there was a fix to multi-GPU training with model_main.py and not legacy/train.py.

model_main.py is the more recent release that allows evaluation on the fly and ideally should support multi-GPU for an object detection task.

shiragit commented 4 years ago

Hello there, are there any updates on this? We could switch over to the legacy train.py, but model_main.py does evaluation on the test set during training and is definitely preferable. Also, can we get an update on whether the solution provided by @CasiaFan (thanks!) is an acceptable one?

Yes, I switched to legacy/train and it worked.

@harsh306, have you managed to preform eval.py after training with num_clones > 1?

Adblu commented 4 years ago

@royshil That solution seems to be extremely slow and its not utilizes full power of all GPUs. Any newer update from this year ?

qraleq commented 3 years ago

Hi, did anyone manage to get model_main.py working in a multi-GPU setting and in an efficient manner (not being slower, and utilizing all the GPUs)?

davitv commented 3 years ago

Hi! Anyone achieved running model_main with multi-gpu env? Thanks to @CasiaFan 's answer i was able to run it, but it is extremely slow (but nvidia-smi shows that all gpus are used, and actually it looks like training freezes at step 0).

sainisanjay commented 3 years ago

--worker_replicas=2 --num_clones=2 --ps_tasks=1"

@laksgreen @lighTQ Could you please help me what is the difference between --worker_replicas=2 --num_clones=2 --ps_tasks=1" ? I can start the multi- GPU training using train.py but I can see my GPU's have been utilized only 30-40% of each. How I can increased the GPU utilization? I have 8 GPU's in a single machine.

sainisanjay commented 3 years ago

I used the following script to complete the use of the fast_rcnn_resnet50 single-machine multi-GPU: Python object_detection/legacy/train.py    --pipeline_config_path=/root/research/Datasets/bak/model/pipeline.config      --train_dir=/root/research/Datasets/bak/model/myTrain2 --worker_replicas=2      --num_clones=2 --ps_tasks=1

I have done the Multi-GPU training using above commands. Training was done successfully. Keep in mind after training when you export the model checkpoints using object_detection/export_inference_graph.py it will give you error like issue https://github.com/tensorflow/models/issues/5625. That means when you use multiple gpu's for training variable names are changes in the graph (each nodes or variables are replaced with clone_1/nodeName similarly others ). In order to solve this issue you have to removed the clone or clone_1 from the graph and then you have to export the checkpoints. I have wrote my python script to removed these extra clone and clone_1


Source82 commented 3 years ago

I used the following script to complete the use of the fast_rcnn_resnet50 single-machine multi-GPU: Python object_detection/legacy/train.py    --pipeline_config_path=/root/research/Datasets/bak/model/pipeline.config      --train_dir=/root/research/Datasets/bak/model/myTrain2 --worker_replicas=2      --num_clones=2 --ps_tasks=1

I have done the Multi-GPU training using above commands. Training was done successfully. Keep in mind after training when you export the model checkpoints using object_detection/export_inference_graph.py it will give you error like issue #5625. That means when you use multiple gpu's for training variable names are changes in the graph (each nodes or variables are replaced with clone_1/nodeName similarly others ). In order to solve this issue you have to removed the clone or clone_1 from the graph and then you have to export the checkpoints. I have wrote my python script to removed these extra clone and clone_1


Please can you share the code you have written to tackle the clone issue. Thanks

sainisanjay commented 3 years ago


import sys, getopt
import tensorflow as tf

usage_str = 'python tensorflow_rename_variables.py --checkpoint_dir=path/to/dir/ --dry_run'

def rename(checkpoint_dir, dry_run):
    checkpoint = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir)
    with tf.Session() as sess:
        for var_name, _ in tf.contrib.framework.list_variables(checkpoint_dir):
            var = tf.contrib.framework.load_variable(checkpoint_dir, var_name)
            pos1 = var_name.find('clone_')
            pos2 = var_name.find('/clone_')
            posf = len(var_name)
            # Set the new name
            new_name = var_name
            if (pos1 != -1) and (pos2 != -1):
                new_name = var_name[pos2+9:posf]
            if (pos1 == 0) and (pos2 == -1):
                new_name = var_name[8:posf]
            if dry_run:
                print('%s would be renamed to %s.' % (var_name, new_name))
                print('Renaming %s to %s.' % (var_name, new_name))
                # Rename the variable
                var = tf.Variable(var, name=new_name)

    if not dry_run:
        # Save the variables
        saver = tf.train.Saver()
        saver.save(sess, checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path)

def main(argv):
    checkpoint_dir = None
    dry_run = False

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'h', ['help=', 'checkpoint_dir=','dry_run='])
    except getopt.GetoptError as e:

    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
        elif opt == '--checkpoint_dir':
            checkpoint_dir = arg
        elif opt == '--dry_run':
            dry_run = True

    if not checkpoint_dir:
        print('Please specify a checkpoint_dir. Usage:')
    rename(checkpoint_dir,  dry_run)

if __name__ == '__main__':
Source82 commented 3 years ago


import sys, getopt
import tensorflow as tf

usage_str = 'python tensorflow_rename_variables.py --checkpoint_dir=path/to/dir/ --dry_run'

def rename(checkpoint_dir, dry_run):
  checkpoint = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir)
  with tf.Session() as sess:
      for var_name, _ in tf.contrib.framework.list_variables(checkpoint_dir):
          var = tf.contrib.framework.load_variable(checkpoint_dir, var_name)
          pos1 = var_name.find('clone_')
          pos2 = var_name.find('/clone_')
          posf = len(var_name)
          # Set the new name
          new_name = var_name
          if (pos1 != -1) and (pos2 != -1):
              new_name = var_name[pos2+9:posf]
          if (pos1 == 0) and (pos2 == -1):
              new_name = var_name[8:posf]
          if dry_run:
              print('%s would be renamed to %s.' % (var_name, new_name))
              print('Renaming %s to %s.' % (var_name, new_name))
              # Rename the variable
              var = tf.Variable(var, name=new_name)

  if not dry_run:
      # Save the variables
      saver = tf.train.Saver()
      saver.save(sess, checkpoint.model_checkpoint_path)

def main(argv):
  checkpoint_dir = None
  dry_run = False

      opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'h', ['help=', 'checkpoint_dir=','dry_run='])
  except getopt.GetoptError as e:

  for opt, arg in opts:
      if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
      elif opt == '--checkpoint_dir':
          checkpoint_dir = arg
      elif opt == '--dry_run':
          dry_run = True

  if not checkpoint_dir:
      print('Please specify a checkpoint_dir. Usage:')
  rename(checkpoint_dir,  dry_run)

if __name__ == '__main__':
