tensorflow / models

Models and examples built with TensorFlow
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Default output(detection_masks/detection_multiclass_scores/detection_feature) of saved model can not set #7900

Open alexqdh opened 4 years ago

alexqdh commented 4 years ago

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Describe the problem

When I execute export_inference_graph.py to get saved model and start tensorflow serving service, the default output of result below has container too much data, especially detection_features. Test image which size is less than 30KB, but the result of detection has become more than 100MB. The comment says detection_masks, detection_multiclass_scores, detection_features are optional, but it has found no place to set.


Source code / logs

Include any logs or source code that would be helpful to diagnose the problem. If including tracebacks, please include the full traceback. Large logs and files should be attached. Try to provide a reproducible test case that is the bare minimum necessary to generate the problem.

carlobambo commented 4 years ago

Because of this, the saved model can't be deployed online (ML Engine for example) since the predict output is too large.

fxpaquette commented 4 years ago

@carlobambo @alexqdh @pkulzc @tombstone So I found the source of the bug. Below is the solution for the SSD detectors but it could be easily adapted to work with RCNN and other net architectures.

In models/research/object_detection/meta_architectures/ssd_meta_arch.py, the class SSDMetaArch (which is used to build the exported model when we run object_detection/exporter_main_v2.py) has a self._return_raw_detections_during_predict attribute. This attribute seems correctly used in the predict method, but it is completely ignored in the postprocess method.

So the solution is to replace line 772-785:

detection_dict = {
              tf.cast(num_detections, dtype=tf.float32),  
              tf.squeeze(detection_boxes, axis=2),  


detection_dict = {  
              tf.cast(num_detections, dtype=tf.float32)  
if self._return_raw_detections_during_predict:  
   detection_dict[fields.DetectionResultFields.raw_detection_boxes] = tf.squeeze(detection_boxes, axis=2)  
   detection_dict[fields.DetectionResultFields.raw_detection_scores] = detection_scores_with_background

Once this is done you need to run object_detection/exporter_main_v2.py to generate the saved_model from the checkpoints. I tested it with the SSD_MobileNet_V2 pre-trained model found on the TF2 model zoo, running TF2.2. With this solution I was able to reduce the output JSON from 2600KB to 16KB (using TF Serving).

This is the command I used to run exporter_main_v2.py:

python exporter_main_v2.py \
        --input_type encoded_image_string_tensor \
        --pipeline_config_path ${CONFIG} \
        --trained_checkpoint_dir ${CHECKPOINT} \
        --output_directory ${OUTPUT} \
        --config_override " \
            model{ \
              ssd { \
                return_raw_detections_during_predict: false \
                post_processing { \
                  batch_non_max_suppression { \
                    score_threshold: 0.5 \
                    max_detections_per_class: 20
                    max_total_detections: 20
                  } \
                } \
              } \

The postprocess method also exposes other output which could be optional (e.g. anchor indices and detection_multiclass_scores).

e10101 commented 3 years ago

If you are using exporter_main_v2.py file to export your model, you can try this hack way to solve this problem.

Just add following codes in the function _run_inference_on_images of exporter_lib_v2.py file:

    detections[classes_field] = (
        tf.cast(detections[classes_field], tf.float32) + label_id_offset)

############# START ##########
    ignored_model_output_names = ["raw_detection_boxes", "raw_detection_scores"]
    for key in ignored_model_output_names:
        if key in detections.keys(): del detections[key]
############# END ##########

    for key, val in detections.items():
      detections[key] = tf.cast(val, tf.float32)

Therefore, the generated model will not output the values of ignored_model_output_names.

Please let me know if this can solve your problem.