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Object detection Batch inference : cloud ml engine built in docker image issue. #8820

Open Aashish-1008 opened 3 years ago

Aashish-1008 commented 3 years ago


I am using cloud ml engine built-in docker image for object detection training "gcr.io/cloud-ml-algos/image_object_detection:latest" Training and inference (for a single image) are working fine in the cloud ml engine, there is no issue.

But when I am trying to do batch inference for more than one image at a time, model is inferring the same output for all the input images. I am using cloud ml engine for inference:

Model deployed in cloud ml engine with this config:

"machine_type": "mls1-c1-m2",
"python_version": "3.5",
"runtime_version": "1.14",


{"encoded_image": {"b64": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/..............", "key": "1"}}
{"encoded_image": {"b64": "/4j/QABAADQSkZJRQSkZJR/..............", "key": "2"}}

command to make inference request to ml engine:

gcloud ai-platform predict --model $MODEL_NAME \
 --version $VERSION_NAME \
 --json-instances request.json 

let's assume inference for the first image whose key:1 is "INFERENCE_RESULT_1"



These two input images used for prediction are different and output different predictions when I am making inference requests separately, but while making the request in the batch (of more than one) model is predicting the same output for all the images.

Thanks in advance.

pkulzc commented 3 years ago

Are you using Tensorflow Object Detection API to train your model?

Aashish-1008 commented 3 years ago

I am using google ai platform for training which uses a docker image "gcr.io/cloud-ml-algos/image_object_detection:latest" stored in google container registry (GCR). Please check it out below link, I am using this guide for training, model deployment, and inference.
