tensorflow / playground

Play with neural networks!
Apache License 2.0
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Why aren't you saying in the Title Area a statement something like this TensorFlow model is using CNN, RNN or whatever form of NNN your using. #168

Open SynapticHorizons opened 2 years ago

SynapticHorizons commented 2 years ago

I really wish it was evident in the Title Tinker With a Neural Network (Using the: XNN / Using LSTM: No) Right Here in Your Browser. Don’t Worry, You Can’t Break It. We Promise.

Pick XNN from selection below. Artificial Neural Network (ANN): (with or without LSTM) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN): (with or without LSTM) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN): (with or without LSTM)

Also wish there was a little drop down box or legend that tells what: X1 X2 X12 X22 X1*X2 sin(X1) sin(X2)

Also there isn't any indication of how many Epoh's will run is it greater than or = to Infinite number of Epochs? What the REGENERATE button do. This model should always stop at a pre-defined number of Epochs that the user chooses. However, your basic premous of presenting the TensorFlow NN diagram is Stellar. Really great job. I wish it have more information so I could actually follow what the model was training for. Predicting the Stock Market, the average time for support to solve tech cases. Or maybe it's the number of defective tires be manufactured by Michelin. Who Knows. It sure would be cool if what you were doing meant something. Like trying to achieve a specific goal or outcome.


TrevorBlythe commented 2 years ago

Its easy to understand whats going on without the use of a three letter acronym. Its just a really simple perception type thing. You can interpret that pretty easily.