Open khalidaskia opened 4 years ago
Hi @npapernot ,
I create this new issue because I didn't find a way to re-open the previous one. (#91) My issue : I am trying to use DPAdamGaussianOptimizer to train a variational autoencoder. But I am having an error during the training.
Here is my code for reproducibility
import sys import tensorflow as tf from absl import app from absl import flags from tensorflow_privacy.privacy.analysis import privacy_ledger from tensorflow_privacy.privacy.optimizers import dp_optimizer
flags.DEFINE_float('learning_rate', 0.001, 'Learning rate for training') flags.DEFINE_float('noise_multiplier', 0.001, 'Ratio of the standard deviation to the clipping norm') flags.DEFINE_float('l2_norm_clip', 1.0, 'Clipping norm') flags.DEFINE_integer('batch_size', 256, 'Batch size') flags.DEFINE_integer('epochs', 60, 'Number of epochs') flags.DEFINE_integer('microbatches', 256, 'Number of microbatches ') FLAGS = flags.FLAGS FLAGS(sys.argv) # Import MNIST data from tensorflow.examples.tutorials.mnist import input_data mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("/tmp/data/", one_hot=True) NB_TRAIN = 60000
# Network Parameters image_dim = 784 hidden_dim = 512 latent_dim = 2 # A custom initialization (see Xavier Glorot init) def glorot_init(shape): return tf.random_normal(shape=shape, stddev=1. / tf.sqrt(shape[0] / 2.)) # Variables weights = { 'encoder_h1': tf.Variable(glorot_init([image_dim, hidden_dim])), 'z_mean': tf.Variable(glorot_init([hidden_dim, latent_dim])), 'z_std': tf.Variable(glorot_init([hidden_dim, latent_dim])), 'decoder_h1': tf.Variable(glorot_init([latent_dim, hidden_dim])), 'decoder_out': tf.Variable(glorot_init([hidden_dim, image_dim])) } biases = { 'encoder_b1': tf.Variable(glorot_init([hidden_dim])), 'z_mean': tf.Variable(glorot_init([latent_dim])), 'z_std': tf.Variable(glorot_init([latent_dim])), 'decoder_b1': tf.Variable(glorot_init([hidden_dim])), 'decoder_out': tf.Variable(glorot_init([image_dim])) } # Building the encoder input_image = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, image_dim]) encoder = tf.matmul(input_image, weights['encoder_h1']) + biases['encoder_b1'] encoder = tf.nn.tanh(encoder) z_mean = tf.matmul(encoder, weights['z_mean']) + biases['z_mean'] z_std = tf.matmul(encoder, weights['z_std']) + biases['z_std'] # Sampler: Normal (gaussian) random distribution eps = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(z_std), dtype=tf.float32, mean=0., stddev=1.0, name='epsilon') z = z_mean + tf.exp(z_std / 2) * eps # Building the decoder decoder = tf.matmul(z, weights['decoder_h1']) + biases['decoder_b1'] decoder = tf.nn.tanh(decoder) decoder = tf.matmul(decoder, weights['decoder_out']) + biases['decoder_out'] decoder = tf.nn.sigmoid(decoder)
VAE Loss, I think the issue is here
def vae_loss(x_reconstructed, x_true): # Reconstruction loss encode_decode_loss = x_true * tf.log(1e-10 + x_reconstructed) + (1 - x_true) * tf.log(1e-10 + 1 - x_reconstructed) encode_decode_loss = -tf.reduce_sum(encode_decode_loss, 1) # KL Divergence loss kl_div_loss = 1 + z_std - tf.square(z_mean) - tf.exp(z_std) kl_div_loss = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(kl_div_loss, 1) return tf.reduce_mean(encode_decode_loss + kl_div_loss)
loss_op = vae_loss(decoder, input_image) ledger = privacy_ledger.PrivacyLedger( population_size=NB_TRAIN, selection_probability=(FLAGS.batch_size / NB_TRAIN)) optimizer = dp_optimizer.DPAdamGaussianOptimizer( l2_norm_clip=FLAGS.l2_norm_clip, noise_multiplier=FLAGS.noise_multiplier, num_microbatches=FLAGS.microbatches, ledger=ledger, learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate, unroll_microbatches=True) global_step = tf.train.get_global_step()
The line below raised the error !
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss=vae_loss, global_step=global_step)
Thank you for your help !
do you figure out how to make it? I'm also interested in this one.
I have solved the issue, you could close
I have solved the issue, you could close
I am also interested in working with dp-VAE. May I ask how you resolved the issue?
I have solved the issue, you could close
Can we know how you resolved this issue?
Hi @npapernot ,
I create this new issue because I didn't find a way to re-open the previous one. ( My issue : I am trying to use DPAdamGaussianOptimizer to train a variational autoencoder. But I am having an error during the training.
Here is my code for reproducibility
VAE Loss, I think the issue is here
The line below raised the error !
Thank you for your help !