tensorflow / quantum

An open-source Python framework for hybrid quantum-classical machine learning.
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Document how to configure different Backends with Cirq #281

Open karlunho opened 4 years ago

karlunho commented 4 years ago

By default, TFQ uses qsim when executing circuits. There isn't any good examples that show how to use Cirq Sampler - which makes it difficult to use either the quantum computer or a simulators in Cirq.

Thoughts on different backends to configure include accessing actual hardware VS normal simulators VS noisy simulators.

ganeshkumartk commented 4 years ago

Looks exactly the same for what I came here, I was try to do it in simulator. After I setup, the cavity-qubit is either getting null or TypeError...

So, After debugging long time, I realized QC Simulator has to be configured in order to TFQ to read the specific cubits during runtime.

Regarding, Noisy simulators I'm trying with simple Noisy Q Simulator of QuTip but I'm facing some challenges as of now

I will keep posted if anything interesting I find.