tensorflow / quantum

Hybrid Quantum-Classical Machine Learning in TensorFlow
Apache License 2.0
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install tensorflow-quantum #744

Open playmio opened 1 year ago

playmio commented 1 year ago

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow-quantum (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for tensorflow-quantum


lockwo commented 1 year ago

Unable to recreate, pip install tensorflow-quantum just worked for me on a brand new environment. Results in Successfully installed cachetools-4.2.4 cirq-core-0.13.1 cirq-google-0.13.1 duet-0.2.7 google-api-core-1.21.0 google-auth-1.18.0 googleapis-common-protos-1.52.0 networkx-2.8.8 protobuf-3.17.3 sympy-1.8 tensorflow-quantum-0.7.2

salcc commented 1 year ago

One cause for this error is using a Python version currently not supported by TensorFlow Quantum, like 3.10 or 3.11. As specified on the website, TensorFlow Quantum is supported on Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9.

ileaniz commented 1 year ago

Running the "Hello, many worlds" tutorial in Google Colab gives the same error (once you remove the specific version that doesn't work either).

Although yesterday I was able to run the tutorial in Google Colab, today I cannot manage to install it.

lockwo commented 1 year ago

Colab silently upgraded default python to 3.10.11 I think. It has broken a number of people's codes and I have heard a number of people encountering similar issues for a variety of packages.