tensorflow / quantum

Hybrid Quantum-Classical Machine Learning in TensorFlow
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Can't measure the fidelity of the states. #745

Open Shuhul24 opened 1 year ago

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

I have measure the quantum states using tfq.layers.State(). The output of tfq.layers.State() is of the form tf.RaggedTensor. Now I have measured two different states, using the same method. (say state1 and state2) After using cirq.fidelity(state1, state2), I am getting the following error:

ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer "generator__discriminator_6" (type Generator_Discriminator).

Failed to infer the qid shape of the given states. Please specify the qid shape explicitly using the `qid_shape` argument.

Call arguments received:
  • inputs=tf.Tensor(shape=(1,), dtype=string)

Why is it so? And how can I measure the fidelity of the states using tfq.layers.State()?

lockwo commented 1 year ago

Cirq doesn't play well with tensors, just convert it to a numpy array. E.g. this worked:

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_quantum as tfq 
import numpy as np
import cirq
import sympy

qubits = [cirq.GridQubit(0, i) for i in range(4)]

params = sympy.symbols("q0:4")

c = cirq.Circuit()
for i in range(len(qubits)):
  c += cirq.ry(params[i]).on(qubits[i])

state_layer = tfq.layers.State()

state = state_layer(c, symbol_names=params, symbol_values=np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]])).to_tensor()[0].numpy()

cirq.fidelity(state, state)

Also worth noting that TFQ has it's own mechanism for fidelity computations, so you don't have to compute the full state: https://www.tensorflow.org/quantum/api_docs/python/tfq/math/fidelity

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

But the documentation says that it measure the fidelity between the "circuits". I don't quite get what does it mean to measure the fidelity between circuits instead of quantum states. (As it is pretty obvious from the definition of fidelity)

lockwo commented 1 year ago

It does measure the fidelity between states, but the input type is circuits and it uses that terminology to reflect that (since you could have many different parameters and stuff and it works with that). Since you don't input states to the function, you just work with circuits (that way you don't have to generate and store the states), it can be faster and easier (and works more smoothly with TFQ, since fidelity is a differentiable op).

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

Is there any manner that I can measure the quantum relative entropy between two states? Or can I measure trace distance between two quantum states. Also, I believe, the fidelity between pure and mixed states has some different notions as mixed states are ensembles of probabilities and states. Hence the code that you shared above is regardless of the fact the input quantum state is mixed or pure state?

PS: Quantum relative entropy, $S$ between two states $a$ and $b$ can be written as: $$S = Tr(a(log(a) - log(b)))$$

lockwo commented 1 year ago

Yea cirq.fidelity says it takes statevectors or density matrices, so either should work. Regarding relative entropy, your best bet would probably be to take the output of the state layer and just compute it manually.

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

What about trace distance? Can that be evaluated?

lockwo commented 1 year ago

Sure you could compute that as well. Just get the state and you can compute pretty much anything from it (of course none of this will be differentiable).

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

But according to the formula of relative entropy I need to evaluate logarithm of a density matrix. How is that possible?

lockwo commented 1 year ago

Well you have a density matrix (either naturally or just convert the pure state to one, there is also maybe a simpler formula for pure states like there is for fidelity but I don't know it), and just do 'tf.linalg.logm'.

lockwo commented 1 year ago

Also for trace distance I thought you only needed the square root of a matrix?

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

So how can I evaluate trace of a density matrix? cirq.partial_trace is something I don't think would work.

lockwo commented 1 year ago

You want to evaluate the trace of a matrix, just use tf.linalg.trace

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

I think tf.linalg.logm aren't being applied on tf.RaggedTensor. Even after using .to_tensor() it says the tensor is not a square matrix. How to work around this?

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

Is it because tfq.layers.State returns a non-square density matrix?

lockwo commented 1 year ago

Are you putting in a pure state? If so that's not a matrix and you need to convert it to a density matrix (of course the trace of a pure state density matrix is just 1)

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

I am actually using the output of tfq.layers.State which I believe is density matrix of the output quantum state.

lockwo commented 1 year ago

What's the shape of the tensor you are putting into the logm that's causing an error?

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

The input into the logm is the output of tfq.layers.State which is a tf.RaggedTensor of shape TensorShape[1, None], which after applying .to_tensor() method converts it into a tensor of shape [1,16].

lockwo commented 1 year ago

And you have 4 qubits I'm guessing?

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

Yes exactly.

lockwo commented 1 year ago

This is a statevector. If you want to work with density matrices you will need to convert it.

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

How can that be achieved?

lockwo commented 1 year ago

dm = sv.conj().T @ sv (that's numpy Notation idk off the top of my head if it would work in TF but just do the equivalent operations)

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

Cool! Thanks.

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

I am getting the density matrix using the above operation that you mentioned, but I am getting the dtype of the fidelity to be complex rather than a real value. Can you suggest me what am I doing wrong here:

state1 = tf.linalg.matmul(tf.transpose(tf.math.conj(out[2].to_tensor())), out[2].to_tensor())
state2 = tf.linalg.matmul(tf.transpose(tf.math.conj(out[3].to_tensor())), out[3].to_tensor())
fidelity = tf.math.square(tf.linalg.trace(tf.linalg.sqrtm(tf.linalg.matmul(tf.linalg.matmul(tf.linalg.sqrtm(state1), state2), tf.linalg.sqrtm(state1)))))
Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

I have doubt regarding the notion of statevectors. The statevector is basically the vector format of a quantum state which is probabilistic. And the statevector output of tfq.layers.State is vector with complex number entries. Isn't that something different?

lockwo commented 1 year ago

1) you can use the simpler formula for statevector fidelity (and avoid unnecessary matrix computations) see: https://www.quantiki.org/wiki/fidelity

2) are you actually getting a complex value or is the dtype just complex? If it is the latter that is because none of those operations will change the data type so since the statevector is complex your output data type will be too

3) yes statevectors are complex, they represent the probability amplitudes: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probability_amplitude

It might be beneficial to gain a stronger understanding of the foundations of QC, I recommend Mike and Ike: http://mmrc.amss.cas.cn/tlb/201702/W020170224608149940643.pdf