tensorflow / quantum

Hybrid Quantum-Classical Machine Learning in TensorFlow
Apache License 2.0
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Error with encoding data. #747

Open Shuhul24 opened 1 year ago

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to encode data with less dimension than the number of qubits used? I am building a circuit in which I am using a circuit with qubits [cirq.GridQubit(1, 0), cirq.GridQubit(1, 1), cirq.GridQubit(1, 2)] but I have got encoded data of dimension 2, hence just wanted to encode data on qubits cirq.GridQubit(1, 0), cirq.GridQubit(1, 1) and use the rest of the qubtis for the variational ansatz. Is it possible to do so?

lockwo commented 1 year ago

Sure, if you have a ControlledPQC, just have the first input weights be the however many inputs you want (assuming you are doing some sort of angle encoding)

Shuhul24 commented 1 year ago

Can you mention a small piece of sample code?

lockwo commented 1 year ago
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_quantum as tfq 
import numpy as np
import cirq
import sympy

data = tf.random.uniform(minval=-1, maxval=1, shape=(100, 2)) # random 2D data

qubits = [cirq.GridQubit(1, 0), cirq.GridQubit(1, 1), cirq.GridQubit(1, 2)]
params = sympy.symbols("q0:7")

def encoder():
  c = cirq.Circuit()
  c += cirq.ry(params[0]).on(qubits[0])
  c += cirq.ry(params[1]).on(qubits[1])
  return c

def vqc():
  c = cirq.Circuit()
  c += cirq.rz(params[2]).on(qubits[0])
  c += cirq.rz(params[3]).on(qubits[1])
  c += cirq.rz(params[4]).on(qubits[2])
  c += cirq.CNOT(qubits[0], qubits[1]) ** params[5]
  c += cirq.CNOT(qubits[1], qubits[2]) ** params[6]
  return c

full_circuit = encoder() + vqc()

cpqc = tfq.layers.ControlledPQC(full_circuit, [cirq.Z(i) for i in qubits])

empty_circuit = tfq.convert_to_tensor([cirq.Circuit()])
circuit_params = tf.Variable(initial_value=np.ones(shape=(100, 5)), dtype="float32", trainable=True)

cpqc([tf.tile(empty_circuit, [100]), tf.concat((data, circuit_params), axis=-1)])