tensorflow / quantum

Hybrid Quantum-Classical Machine Learning in TensorFlow
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can't impelement tensorflow federated, tensorflow and tensorflow_quantum #760

Open Rayhan740 opened 1 year ago

Rayhan740 commented 1 year ago

I wanted to verify a paper so I needed to apply tensorflow, tensorflow-quantum and tensorflow-federated at the same time or in a same environment and I tried different version but there is not compatible version that exist !🥲 .... I tried tensorflow==2.3.1 and tensorflow_quantum == 0.4.0 and tensorflow-federated==0.17.0 manually but the problem is it's still not compatible with each other. Is there any solution for that?

lockwo commented 1 year ago

I don't see any matching versions of TFQ requirements on TF and TFF requirements. However, it is a little surprising they don't work since their requirements are only off by 0.0.1.

Rayhan740 commented 1 year ago

yes there is no version but can tensorflow fix this problem?

lockwo commented 1 year ago

TFQ main and TFF 0.41.0 both have 2.11.0 requirements. But I'm not sure if the latest changes in TFQ are stable yet, so enter at your own risk (see https://github.com/tensorflow/quantum/issues/757)

Rayhan740 commented 1 year ago

It doesn't work. is there any way to fix this problem?

lockwo commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure if any easy way, it you isolate the breaking points (which are probably minor since the versions are off by just 0.0.1) in TFF you could changed those and build from source, but I don't know anything about TFF so I can't comment much on it

Rayhan740 commented 1 year ago

is there any way that I can get help ?? or can do something about it??

jaeyoo commented 1 year ago

I am bumping up the TFQ version to be compatible with TF v2.11.0. During this unstable phase, could you please share the installation error log that I can help you with?

Firstly, please see https://github.com/tensorflow/quantum/issues/764

Rayhan740 commented 1 year ago

I guess there is a numpy file which is making all the fuss for tfq and tff ..... Is this solved yet?