tensorflow / ranking

Learning to Rank in TensorFlow
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how to get the make_score function output instead of the ranked list as output #211

Open vkaul11 opened 4 years ago

vkaul11 commented 4 years ago

While doing the ranking we use another model (lattice) as the make_score function but the problem is evaluation or prediction only gives us the list from the output. Is it possible to get the make_score function as output. I am using a single example in my test data but I get this error when I try to convert generator into list ValueError: Cannot reshape a tensor with 25 elements to shape [1,1] (1 elements) for '{{node transform/encoding_layer/1/Reshape}} = Reshape[T=DT_FLOAT, Tshape=DT_INT32](IteratorGetNext, transform/encoding_layer/1/Reshape/shape)' with input shapes: [1,25,1], [2] and with input tensors computed as partial shapes: input[1] = [1,1].

For example I have:

features_test, labels_test = load_libsvm_data(FLAGS.dataset_base_path + '/test-sample-' + FLAGS.locale + '.txt',

  predict_fn, predict_hook = get_pred_inputs(features_test)
  generator_ = estimator.predict(input_fn = predict_fn, hooks = [predict_hook])
  predictions_list = list(generator_)
def get_pred_inputs(features):
  iterator_initializer_hook = IteratorInitializerHook()

  def _predict_input_fn():
    """Defines eval input fn."""
    features_placeholder = {
        k: tf.compat.v1.placeholder(v.dtype, v.shape)
        for k, v in six.iteritems(features)
    #labels_placeholder = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(labels.dtype, labels.shape)
    dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensors(
    iterator = tf.compat.v1.data.make_initializable_iterator(dataset)
    #feed_dict = {labels_placeholder: labels}
    feed_dict = {features_placeholder[k]: features[k] for k in features_placeholder}
    iterator_initializer_hook.iterator_initializer_fn = (
        lambda sess: sess.run(iterator.initializer, feed_dict=feed_dict))
    return iterator.get_next()

  return _predict_input_fn, iterator_initializer_hook
eggie5 commented 4 years ago

First thing that comes to mind is that you are using a rather "old style" of tensorflow: for example I don't think I've seen placeholder or feed_dict in years.

How are you training? Using the lbsvm generator? Why not use that same generator for the test data?

vkaul11 commented 4 years ago

I was just trying to follow the example here https://github.com/tensorflow/ranking/blob/master/tensorflow_ranking/examples/tf_ranking_libsvm.py which still uses the placeholder and feed_dict. I am training like this and using same estimator to predict

features, labels = load_libsvm_data(FLAGS.dataset_base_path + '/train-' + FLAGS.locale + '.txt', 10)
  train_input_fn, train_hook = get_train_inputs(features, labels, FLAGS.batch_size)

  features_vali, labels_vali = load_libsvm_data( FLAGS.dataset_base_path + '/test-small-' + FLAGS.locale + '.txt', 10)
  vali_input_fn, vali_hook = get_eval_inputs(features_vali, labels_vali)

  optimizer = tf.compat.v1.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate)

  def _train_op_fn(loss):
    """Defines train op used in ranking head."""
    update_ops = tf.compat.v1.get_collection(tf.compat.v1.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
    minimize_op = optimizer.minimize(
        loss=loss, global_step=tf.compat.v1.train.get_global_step())
    train_op = tf.group([minimize_op, update_ops])
    return train_op

  ranking_head = tfr.head.create_ranking_head(

  estimator = tf.estimator.Estimator(
          FLAGS.output_dir, save_checkpoints_steps=1000))

  train_spec = tf.estimator.TrainSpec(
  vali_spec = tf.estimator.EvalSpec(
eggie5 commented 4 years ago

what are the details of your scoring function?

vkaul11 commented 4 years ago

By making this modification in prediction input function https://github.com/tensorflow/ranking/issues/186 I do get prediction scores. The problem though is that the first score is always 1. Is that by design ? pred_result = [array([1. , 0.63665974, 0.8288901 , 0.57784206, 0.58248824, 0.57637537, 0.18180293, 0.53710747, 0.65632606, 0.5432198 ,

  1. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ,
  2. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ,
  3. , 0. , 0. , 0. , 0. ],
xuanhuiwang commented 4 years ago

@vkaul11: no, the first score is not supposed to be always 1.

rhxadbc commented 4 years ago

@vkaul11 how to change input function to make it work for prediction, elaborate please?