tensorflow / swift

Swift for TensorFlow
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Adding an initial Guide section to the online documentation #595

Closed BradLarson closed 3 years ago

BradLarson commented 3 years ago

As a start to expanded documentation at tensorflow.org/swift, this adds a Guide section with a quick overview of Swift and Swift for TensorFlow. These sections were drawn from our current documentation in the front-page Readme here, as well as the Swift for TensorFlow design overview.

In addition to the overview documentation, the link to the Swift APIs has been updated to point to the correct repository, and a link to tensorflow/swift-models has been added.

Other documents will be added in subsequent pull requests.

BradLarson commented 3 years ago

@8bitmp3 - As Dan said, thanks for the comments. As a first step, I merely copied the descriptions we'd used elsewhere to create a starter document. The intent is that we'll modify and enhance this and add new guide sections once we verify that this gets formatted correctly over at tensorflow.org/swift.

When it comes to organization, I'd really like to have entry points for both people who know Swift but are new to ML and those who know ML but are new to Swift. I organized this with the latter in mind so that we explain why they should be excited about Swift first, then what we're doing with Swift for TensorFlow. I'm sure there are better ways of stating this, however.

I'm going to verify that everything is formatted correctly tomorrow, but after that point pull requests that add to or modify this wording would certainly be welcome. I'm going to follow on with individual guide pull requests as I have them ready.