I have 2 files which are input (in one laguage) and output (in another language).
I have converted them into numers.
all the file is having 20K lines with numbers
and converted output file also 20K with converted numbers in the file.
I was thinking of using seq2seq. having some issues and want to try this.
Can you help me how to do that.
The input file content will be : Example
12 22 33 44 55
11 33 44 6666 888 99999
2222 4444 5555 7777
..like that and output file is
4 5 6 7 8 9
1 11 112 222 124
1224 5656 7878 990
how to run t2t-trainer in windows?
I see that scipts folder have it and can run this.
how can I give the options for my customized data where I have the input file and outfile .
I have 2 files which are input (in one laguage) and output (in another language). I have converted them into numers. all the file is having 20K lines with numbers and converted output file also 20K with converted numbers in the file. I was thinking of using seq2seq. having some issues and want to try this. Can you help me how to do that. The input file content will be : Example 12 22 33 44 55 11 33 44 6666 888 99999 2222 4444 5555 7777 ..like that and output file is 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 112 222 124 1224 5656 7878 990
Environment information
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Error logs: