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While loop randomly doesn't evaluate tensors #15980

Closed nikita6187 closed 6 years ago

nikita6187 commented 6 years ago

Hello! I believe to have found a bug in Tensorflow when running the code below. I am currently trying to build a neural transducer, and have stumbled across TF sometimes not returning any values for a tensor. I have not had the chance yet to test this out on another machine (no GPU, TF 1.4.1, Ubuntu 17.10). The code is redacted a bit to highlight only the parts that fail. I've also posted to StackOverflow but didn't get any response there.


Example of a correct return value (more or less):

array([[[ 0.00811536, -0.00200322, -0.01177037,  0.03676344, -0.01909475,
             -0.03157664,  0.026092  ,  0.02367685, -0.01894805,  0.02832799,
              0.0377345 , -0.02583589, -0.02908566,  0.0299024 ,  0.00518877,
             -0.00064737,  0.01431572, -0.01053502, -0.01783628, -0.00382657,
              0.00076749, -0.02705991,  0.00112415, -0.0193013 ,  0.02346764,
              0.03014467,  0.02663364,  0.02503882,  0.03362656, -0.01877708,
              0.01859642,  0.02460729, -0.01395229, -0.03033791,  0.01177907,
             -0.03049169, -0.00389978,  0.02221515, -0.00073605,  0.01248251,
              0.00424051,  0.01070387,  0.02818898,  0.0321721 , -0.02462685,
              0.03495178, -0.02408989, -0.02742486,  0.00331823, -0.02311424,
             -0.01327039,  0.01095297,  0.02584363,  0.02083527, -0.01588045,
              0.02837921,  0.02100117,  0.00918638,  0.00109535, -0.02965789,
              0.01040822, -0.03240473,  0.00453057, -0.00603903]],

           [[ 0.01053647, -0.00457577, -0.01939731,  0.06317309, -0.03113565,
             -0.05525927,  0.04647589,  0.04213476, -0.03498235,  0.04962765,
              0.05989208, -0.04340284, -0.04777668,  0.05346756,  0.00395604,
             -0.0005207 ,  0.02079381, -0.01424338, -0.02584206, -0.00530154,
             -0.00031365, -0.04966826, -0.00091683, -0.03025239,  0.04526306,
              0.0595435 ,  0.0463665 ,  0.04578522,  0.05916505, -0.031725  ,
              0.03164144,  0.04257958, -0.02865831, -0.04795898,  0.01856991,
             -0.05512668, -0.00730711,  0.03953242,  0.00017992,  0.01710426,
              0.00754557,  0.01975578,  0.0469296 ,  0.05237873, -0.04435374,
              0.05924731, -0.04474678, -0.04605344,  0.00947831, -0.04284734,
             -0.01979787,  0.02003288,  0.04196753,  0.03900779, -0.02887472,
              0.05130195,  0.03419674,  0.0105699 ,  0.001114  , -0.0524303 ,
              0.01738651, -0.06084244,  0.01364262, -0.01153531]]], dtype=float32), array([], shape=(0, 1, 3), dtype=float32)]


 [array([[[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
              0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
              0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
              0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
              0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]],

           [[ 0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
              0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
              0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
              0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,
              0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.,  0.]]], dtype=float32), array([], shape=(0, 1, 3), dtype=float32)]


 import tensorflow as tf
    from tensorflow.contrib.rnn import LSTMCell, LSTMStateTuple
    from tensorflow.python.layers import core as layers_core
    import numpy as np
    # NOTE: Time major

    # Constants
    input_dimensions = 1
    vocab_size = 3
    input_embedding_size = 20
    encoder_hidden_units = 64
    inputs_embedded = True
    transducer_hidden_units = 64
    batch_size = 1
    GO_SYMBOL = vocab_size - 1  # TODO: Make these constants correct
    END_SYMBOL = vocab_size
    input_block_size = 2
    log_prob_init_value = 0

    # ---------------- Helper classes -----------------------

    # ----------------- Model -------------------------------
    embeddings = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([vocab_size, input_embedding_size], -1.0, 1.0), dtype=tf.float32)

    class Model(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.encoder_inputs, self.encoder_inputs_length, self.encoder_hidden_state, \
            self.encoder_outputs, self.encoder_hidden_state_new = self.build_encoder_model()
            self.encoder_raw_outputs, self.trans_hidden_state, self.transducer_amount_outputs, \
            self.transducer_hidden_state_new, self.logits, self.decoder_prediction = self.build_transducer_model()

        def build_encoder_model(self):
            encoder_inputs = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(input_block_size, batch_size, input_dimensions)),
                                         dtype=tf.float32, name='encoder_inputs', trainable=False)
            encoder_inputs_length = tf.Variable([tf.shape(encoder_inputs)[0]], dtype=tf.int32,
                                                name='encoder_inputs_length', trainable=False)
            encoder_hidden_state = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(2, 1, encoder_hidden_units)), dtype=tf.float32,
                                               name='encoder_hidden_state')  # Save the state as one tensor

            if inputs_embedded is True:
                encoder_inputs_embedded = encoder_inputs
                encoder_inputs_embedded = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, encoder_inputs)

            # Build model
            encoder_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(encoder_hidden_units)

            # Build previous state
            encoder_hidden_c, encoder_hidden_h = tf.split(encoder_hidden_state, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=0)
            encoder_hidden_c = tf.reshape(encoder_hidden_c, shape=[-1, encoder_hidden_units])
            encoder_hidden_h = tf.reshape(encoder_hidden_h, shape=[-1, encoder_hidden_units])
            encoder_hidden_state_t = LSTMStateTuple(encoder_hidden_c, encoder_hidden_h)

            #   encoder_outputs: [max_time, batch_size, num_units]
            encoder_outputs, encoder_hidden_state_new = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(
                encoder_cell, encoder_inputs_embedded,
                sequence_length=encoder_inputs_length, time_major=True,
                dtype=tf.float32, initial_state=encoder_hidden_state_t)

            # Modify output of encoder_hidden_state_new so that it can be fed back in again without problems.
            encoder_hidden_state_new = tf.concat([encoder_hidden_state_new.c, encoder_hidden_state_new.h], axis=0)
            encoder_hidden_state_new = tf.reshape(encoder_hidden_state_new, shape=[2, -1, encoder_hidden_units])

            return encoder_inputs, encoder_inputs_length, encoder_hidden_state, encoder_outputs, encoder_hidden_state_new

        def build_transducer_model(self):
            encoder_raw_outputs = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(input_block_size, 1, encoder_hidden_units)),
            trans_hidden_state = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(2, 1, transducer_hidden_units)),
                                             name='trans_hidden_state')  # Save the state as one tensor
            transducer_amount_outputs = tf.Variable(0, dtype=tf.int32, name='transducer_amount_outputs',

            # Model building
            helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper(
                start_tokens=tf.tile([GO_SYMBOL], [batch_size]),

            attention_states = tf.transpose(encoder_raw_outputs,
                                            [1, 0, 2])  # attention_states: [batch_size, max_time, num_units]

            attention_mechanism = tf.contrib.seq2seq.LuongAttention(
                encoder_hidden_units, attention_states)

            decoder_cell = tf.contrib.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper(

            projection_layer = layers_core.Dense(vocab_size, use_bias=False)

            # Build previous state
            trans_hidden_c, trans_hidden_h = tf.split(trans_hidden_state, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=0)
            trans_hidden_c = tf.reshape(trans_hidden_c, shape=[-1, transducer_hidden_units])
            trans_hidden_h = tf.reshape(trans_hidden_h, shape=[-1, transducer_hidden_units])
            trans_hidden_state_t = LSTMStateTuple(trans_hidden_c, trans_hidden_h)

            decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder(
                decoder_cell, helper,
                decoder_cell.zero_state(1, tf.float32).clone(cell_state=trans_hidden_state_t),

            outputs, transducer_hidden_state_new, _ = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(decoder,
            logits = outputs.rnn_output  # logits of shape [max_time,batch_size,vocab_size]
            decoder_prediction = outputs.sample_id  # For debugging

            # Modify output of transducer_hidden_state_new so that it can be fed back in again without problems.
            transducer_hidden_state_new = tf.concat(
                [transducer_hidden_state_new[0].c, transducer_hidden_state_new[0].h],
            transducer_hidden_state_new = tf.reshape(transducer_hidden_state_new,
                                                     shape=[2, -1, transducer_hidden_units])

            return encoder_raw_outputs, trans_hidden_state, transducer_amount_outputs, transducer_hidden_state_new, \
                   logits, decoder_prediction

    model = Model()

    # ----------------- Alignment -------------------------

    # ----------------- Training --------------------------

    def run_full_transducer():
        # Inputs
        max_blocks = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, name='max_blocks')
        inputs_full_raw = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, batch_size, input_dimensions), dtype=tf.float32,
        transducer_list_outputs = tf.placeholder(shape=(None,), dtype=tf.int32,
                                                 name='transducer_list_outputs')  # amount to output per block

        # Turn inputs into tensor which is easily readable
        inputs_full = tf.reshape(inputs_full_raw, shape=[max_blocks, input_block_size, batch_size, input_dimensions])

        # Outputs
        outputs_ta = tf.TensorArray(dtype=tf.float32, size=max_blocks)

        # Hidden states
        # TODO: make these correct
        encoder_hidden_init = tf.ones(shape=(2, 1, encoder_hidden_units))
        trans_hidden_init = tf.ones(shape=(2, 1, transducer_hidden_units))

        init_state = (0, outputs_ta, encoder_hidden_init, trans_hidden_init)

        def cond(current_block, outputs_int, encoder_hidden, trans_hidden):
            return current_block < max_blocks

        def body(current_block, outputs_int, encoder_hidden, trans_hidden):
            # Process encoder
            model.encoder_inputs = model.encoder_inputs.assign(inputs_full[current_block])
            model.encoder_inputs_length = model.encoder_inputs_length.assign([tf.shape(model.encoder_inputs)[0]])
            model.encoder_hidden_state = model.encoder_hidden_state.assign(encoder_hidden)

            # TODO: Error is SOMETIMES gone when using tf.Print
            current_block = tf.Print(current_block, [model.encoder_inputs], message='Enc in: ')
            #current_block = tf.Print(current_block, [model.encoder_outputs], message='Enc out: ')

            # Flow data from encoder to transducer
            model.encoder_raw_outputs = model.encoder_raw_outputs.assign(model.encoder_outputs)
            model.trans_hidden_state = model.trans_hidden_state.assign(trans_hidden)
            model.transducer_amount_outputs = model.transducer_amount_outputs.assign(transducer_list_outputs[current_block])

            # Note the outputs
            outputs_int = outputs_int.write(current_block, model.logits)

            return current_block + 1, outputs_int, model.encoder_hidden_state_new, model.transducer_hidden_state_new

        _, outputs_final, _, _ = tf.while_loop(cond, body, init_state)

        # Process outputs
        outputs = outputs_final.stack()  # Now the outputs are of shape [block, amount_of_trans_out, batch_size, vocab]
        outputs = tf.reshape(outputs, shape=(-1, 1, vocab_size))  # And now its [amount_outputs, batch_size, vocab]

        model.encoder_outputs = tf.Print(model.encoder_outputs, [model.encoder_outputs], message='Current block enc out: ')

        return max_blocks, inputs_full_raw, transducer_list_outputs, outputs, model.encoder_outputs

    # ---------------------- Testing -----------------------------

    # ---------------------- Management -----------------------------

    init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

    with tf.Session() as sess:

        inp_max_blocks, inp_inputs_full_raw, inp_trans_list_out, out_outputs, enc_out = run_full_transducer()

        print sess.run([enc_out, out_outputs], feed_dict={
            inp_max_blocks: 3,
            inp_inputs_full_raw: np.ones(shape=(3 * input_block_size, 1, input_dimensions)),
            inp_trans_list_out: [1, 3, 2]

System information:

Thanks! Nikita

nikita6187 commented 6 years ago

I've just tested it on a different machine (Ubuntu, GPU enabled, TF 1.4.1) and I also get the same errors.

cy89 commented 6 years ago

@ebrevdo do you have any suggestions?

ebrevdo commented 6 years ago

@nikita68 this is a very involved example. can you provide a much smaller, minimal, failure case?

ebrevdo commented 6 years ago

at least try running your while_loops with parallel_iterations=1 since it looks like you're assigning values inside your body and this is going to happen concurrently and mess everything up :-p

nikita6187 commented 6 years ago

@ebrevdo I completely forgot about that parameter! Unfortunately, the error still persists. I'm trying to make a really small example showing where the code fails, but in the meantime here is a minimum version of the code above (the error is in the run_full_transducer.body function):

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib.rnn import LSTMCell, LSTMStateTuple
from tensorflow.python.layers import core as layers_core
import numpy as np

# NOTE: Time major

# Constants
input_dimensions = 1
vocab_size = 3
input_embedding_size = 20
encoder_hidden_units = 64
batch_size = 1
input_block_size = 2

# ----------------- Model -------------------------------

class Model(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.encoder_inputs, self.encoder_inputs_length, self.encoder_hidden_state, \
        self.encoder_outputs, self.encoder_hidden_state_new = self.build_encoder_model()

    def build_encoder_model(self):
        encoder_inputs = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(input_block_size, batch_size, input_dimensions)),
                                     dtype=tf.float32, name='encoder_inputs', trainable=False)
        encoder_inputs_length = tf.Variable([tf.shape(encoder_inputs)[0]], dtype=tf.int32,
                                            name='encoder_inputs_length', trainable=False)
        encoder_hidden_state = tf.Variable(tf.zeros(shape=(2, 1, encoder_hidden_units)), dtype=tf.float32,
                                           name='encoder_hidden_state')  # Save the state as one tensor

        encoder_inputs_embedded = encoder_inputs

        # Build model
        encoder_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(encoder_hidden_units)

        # Build previous state
        encoder_hidden_c, encoder_hidden_h = tf.split(encoder_hidden_state, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=0)
        encoder_hidden_c = tf.reshape(encoder_hidden_c, shape=[-1, encoder_hidden_units])
        encoder_hidden_h = tf.reshape(encoder_hidden_h, shape=[-1, encoder_hidden_units])
        encoder_hidden_state_t = LSTMStateTuple(encoder_hidden_c, encoder_hidden_h)

        #   encoder_outputs: [max_time, batch_size, num_units]
        encoder_outputs, encoder_hidden_state_new = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(
            encoder_cell, encoder_inputs_embedded,
            sequence_length=encoder_inputs_length, time_major=True,
            dtype=tf.float32, initial_state=encoder_hidden_state_t)

        # Modify output of encoder_hidden_state_new so that it can be fed back in again without problems.
        encoder_hidden_state_new = tf.concat([encoder_hidden_state_new.c, encoder_hidden_state_new.h], axis=0)
        encoder_hidden_state_new = tf.reshape(encoder_hidden_state_new, shape=[2, -1, encoder_hidden_units])

        return encoder_inputs, encoder_inputs_length, encoder_hidden_state, encoder_outputs, encoder_hidden_state_new

model = Model()

# ----------------- Training --------------------------

def run_full_transducer():
    # Inputs
    max_blocks = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, name='max_blocks')  # How often to run the encoder
    inputs_full_raw = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, batch_size, input_dimensions), dtype=tf.float32,

    # Turn inputs into tensor which is easily readable
    inputs_full = tf.reshape(inputs_full_raw, shape=[max_blocks, input_block_size, batch_size, input_dimensions])

    # Hidden states
    encoder_hidden_init = tf.ones(shape=(2, 1, encoder_hidden_units))

    init_state = (0, encoder_hidden_init)

    def cond(current_block, encoder_hidden):
        return current_block < max_blocks

    def body(current_block, encoder_hidden):
        # Process encoder
        model.encoder_inputs = model.encoder_inputs.assign(inputs_full[current_block])
        model.encoder_inputs_length = model.encoder_inputs_length.assign([tf.shape(model.encoder_inputs)[0]])
        model.encoder_hidden_state = model.encoder_hidden_state.assign(encoder_hidden)

        # TODO: Error is SOMETIMES gone when using tf.Print. If you comment out the next 2 lines the return val is 0.
        current_block = tf.Print(current_block, [model.encoder_inputs], message='Enc in: ')
        current_block = tf.Print(current_block, [model.encoder_outputs], message='Enc out: ')
        return current_block + 1, model.encoder_hidden_state_new

    _, final_enc_state = tf.while_loop(cond, body, init_state, parallel_iterations=1)

    return max_blocks, inputs_full_raw, model.encoder_outputs, final_enc_state

# ---------------------- Management -----------------------------

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

with tf.Session() as sess:

    inp_max_blocks, inp_inputs_full_raw, enc_out, fin_enc_state = run_full_transducer()

    out, _ = sess.run([enc_out, fin_enc_state], feed_dict={
        inp_max_blocks: 3,  # How often to run the encoder
        inp_inputs_full_raw: np.ones(shape=(3 * input_block_size, 1, input_dimensions))  # Full inputs
    print 'Encoder outputs: ' + str(out)
nikita6187 commented 6 years ago

@ebrevdo I've tried to make to make a smaller fail case, but I can't seem to find a different way to repeat than in the code in my previous comment. Though it does seem as though that the tensors of the encoder are called and evaluated once at the start in the while loop, and the other results are just the previous values without reevaluation. EDIT: I've read up on while loops, and realized it is not possible to evaluate tensors defined outside of the loop. Due to this I will probably rewrite my model, and then this bug becomes obsolete for my case. Due to the obscure conditions needed for this bug, I'm closing the issue.