tensorflow / transform

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Add a method to evaluate an AnalyzerDef node to a tensor without saving to the graph #129

Open joshbarth opened 5 years ago

joshbarth commented 5 years ago

Currently the only way to get a tensor from any analyzer node is to call tft.analyzer_nodes.wrap_as_tensor() which will evaluate the tensor, but also will save the tensor to the graph, and during future runs tensorflow transform will use the saved value instead of re-evaluating it. That's great for situations where that value is something like mean or max and you want to use the same values when transforming live data, but there are use cases for analyzer nodes without that feature. For example, in my project I have to take in values, group by a key, and compute a sum over those keys. In normal tensorflow code I would do

_, idx = tf.unique(keys)

but in tensorflow transform both those methods break, because they're dependent on seeing the entire dataset. Fine, then, I wrote my own tensorflow analyzers for unique (vocabulary won't work here, as keys is just a primary key; I don't want to save a vocabulary file) and unsorted_segment_sum, but now the values are saved to the graph and I have to delete the saved function afterwards, or any future runs will just use the previously computed values. I'm working around this for now by doing multiple passes through my dataset, one with this function, and others for everything else, but it would be really nice to be able to just signal to tensorflow transform that I don't want the value saved to the graph, and to recompute it during future runs.

rmothukuru commented 5 years ago

For removing nodes from the Graph, please refer this article and this Github Link and confirm if it helps. Thanks.

joshbarth commented 5 years ago

I couldn't get that tool to run against my graph. I get this error:

[libprotobuf ERROR external/com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/text_format.cc:317] Error parsing text-format tensorflow.GraphDef: 1:1: Invalid control characters encountered in text.
[libprotobuf ERROR external/com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/text_format.cc:317] Error parsing text-format tensorflow.GraphDef: 1:4: Interpreting non ascii codepoint 183.
[libprotobuf ERROR external/com_google_protobuf/src/google/protobuf/text_format.cc:317] Error parsing text-format tensorflow.GraphDef: 1:4: Expected identifier, got: �

Regardless, I don't think that solves my problem, as I don't want to remove the node completely, I just don't want the result to be saved. It's not too great to have to run that tool between runs, either.

KesterTong commented 5 years ago

I don't understand what you are trying to do. Can you provide some sample code?

joshbarth commented 5 years ago

Sure. Basically, I have some data that looks like

c_key, w_key, value, zone
C2, W1, 4, 2
C2, W3, 6, 3
C5, W6, 7, 4
C7, W8, 7, 3
C7, W8, 7, 5
C4, W6, 3, 2
C3, W3, 4, 4
C2, W1, 4, 2
C2, W3, 6, 3
C5, W6, 7, 4

and I want to find all unique pairs of c_key and w_key, and the value for each "zone" label. The result looks like this

key, zone4, zone3, zone2, zone5
C2W1, 0, 0, 8, 0
C2W3, 0, 12, 0, 0
C5W6, 14, 0, 0, 0
C7W8, 0, 7, 0, 7
C4W6, 0, 0, 3, 0
C3W3, 4, 0, 0, 0

The actual data are invoice lines, with various kinds of charges, that need to be grouped into single invoices. So c_key and w_key are basically primary keys for the invoice, and zone would be different categories of charges. I have a preprocessing function that looks like this

def preprocessing_inputs_fn(inputs):
    c_key = inputs["CKey"]
    w_key = inputs["WKey"]
    values = inputs["Values"]
    zones = inputs["Zones"]
    one_hot_zones = tdt.one_hot_encode(zones, 4)
    multiplied_zones = tf.math.multiply(one_hot_zones, tf.linalg.matmul(tf.expand_dims(values, axis=1), tf.ones(shape=[1, 4])))
    segment_sum, unique_values = tdt.group_by_sum([c_key, w_key], multiplied_zones, 4)
    return {
        'label': unique_values,
        **tdt.create_dict_from_tensor(segment_sum, "sum")

which calls these methods:

def one_hot_encode(values, top_k):
    x = tft.compute_and_apply_vocabulary(values, top_k=top_k)
    one_hot_x = tf.one_hot(x, depth=top_k)
    return one_hot_x

def create_dict_from_tensor(x, name, seperator="_"):
    list_x = tf.unstack(x, axis=1)
    return {name + seperator + str(i): list_x[i] for i in range(0, len(list_x))}

def group_by_sum(keys, values, width):
    joined_keys = tf.strings.join(keys)
    unique_values = tf.reshape(custom_tensorflow_analyzers.unique(joined_keys), [-1])

    unique_values_len = tf.shape(unique_values)[0]
    key_value_initializer = tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(unique_values, tf.range(unique_values_len))
    hash_table = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable(key_value_initializer, -1)
    index = hash_table.lookup(joined_keys)

    segment_sum = custom_tensorflow_analyzers.group_by_sum(values, index, width)
    return segment_sum, unique_values

The group_by_sum method calls two custom analyzers, because I needed a way to get unique values without computing a vocabulary, and I needed a unsorted_segment_sum that would work inside of a transform function. Those look like:

# there's a quirk, not sure if this is TensflowTransform's fault or mine,
# but I was unable to get this to work by only returning one at a time
# I had to create a state-full method and return the whole list, and then
# wrap it in a list. Super weird, but it works
class UniqueMap(beam.DoFn):
    def __init__(self):
        self.test = []

    def process(self, element, **kwargs):
        return [self.test]

def unique(data, name=None):
    Takes an input tensor data and returns a tensor containing all unique values in data
    with tf.name_scope(name, 'unique'):
        vocab_ordering_type = tft.tf_utils.VocabOrderingType.FREQUENCY
        (unique_inputs, none_weights, none_sum,
         none_counts) = tft.tf_utils.reduce_batch_vocabulary(data, vocab_ordering_type)
        assert none_sum is None
        assert none_weights is None
        assert none_counts is None
        analyzer_inputs = [unique_inputs]

        input_values_node = tft.analyzer_nodes.get_input_tensors_value_nodes(analyzer_inputs)

        accumulate_output_value_node = tft.nodes.apply_operation(
            tft.analyzer_nodes.VocabularyAccumulate, input_values_node,

        merge_output_value_node = tft.nodes.apply_operation(
            tft.analyzer_nodes.VocabularyMerge, accumulate_output_value_node,

        filtered_value_node = tft.nodes.apply_operation(

        outputs_value_nodes = tft.nodes.apply_operation(
            output_shape=[None, ],

        output = tft.analyzer_nodes.wrap_as_tensor(outputs_value_nodes)

        return output

def group_by_sum(data, segment_ids, width, name=None):
    Analyzer that implements tf.math.unsorted_segment_sum in a tensorflow_transform safe way.
    Takes a data tensor, and sums each row according to the key defined in segment_ids. width
    should be tf.shape(data)[1] as an int.
    with tf.name_scope(name, "group_by_sum"):
        segment_ids = tf.reshape(tf.cast(segment_ids, tf.dtypes.float32), [-1, 1])
        inputs = tf.concat([segment_ids, data], 1)
        input_values_node = tft.analyzer_nodes.get_input_tensors_value_nodes([inputs])

        outputs_value_node = tft.nodes.apply_operation(
            custom_tensorflow_analyzer_nodes.GroupBySum, input_values_node,
        output = tft.analyzer_nodes.wrap_as_tensor(outputs_value_node)

        return output

That calls some custom analyzer_nodes which are defined like this:

class ToAnalyzerDef(collections.namedtuple('ToAnalyzerDef', ['output_shape', 'do_fn', 'label']),
    def __new__(cls, output_shape, do_fn, label=None):
        cls._output_shape = output_shape
        if label is None:
            scope = tf.get_default_graph().get_name_scope()
            label = '{}[{}]'.format(cls.__name__, scope)
        return super(ToAnalyzerDef, cls).__new__(

    def output_tensor_infos(self):
        return [tft.analyzer_nodes.TensorInfo(tf.string, self._output_shape, False)]

class GroupBySum(collections.namedtuple('GroupBySum', ['width', 'label']),
    def __new__(cls, width, label=None):
        cls._width = width
        if label is None:
            scope = tf.get_default_graph().get_name_scope()
            label = '{}[{}]'.format(cls.__name__, scope)
        return super(GroupBySum, cls).__new__(

    def output_tensor_infos(self):
        return [tft.analyzer_nodes.TensorInfo(tf.dtypes.float32, (None, self.width), False)]

and implemented like

class ToAnalyzerDefImpl(beam.PTransform):

    def __init__(self, operation, extra_args):
        self._do_fn = operation.do_fn

    def expand(self, inputs):
        pcoll, = inputs
        return pcoll | beam.ParDo(self._do_fn)

class GroupBySumImpl(beam.PTransform):

    def __init__(self, operation, extra_args):
        self._width = operation.width

    def expand(self, inputs):
        pcoll, = inputs

        return pcoll | beam.ParDo(GroupBySumMap(self._width))

class GroupBySumMap(beam.DoFn):
    def __init__(self, width):
        self.width = width
        self.output_dict = {}

    def compute_output(self):
        output = []
        for key in range(max(self.output_dict) + 1):
            if key in self.output_dict:
        return [np.array(output, np.float32)]

    def process(self, element, **kwargs):
        array = element[0]
        for row in array:
            if int(row[0]) not in self.output_dict:
                self.output_dict[int(row[0])] = row[1::]
                self.output_dict[int(row[0])] += row[1::]
        return self.compute_output()

This all works, except, when I save the graph and call it again like

        data_schema = tld.TransformMetadata("test_data/GroupBy.meta.json")
        csv_loader = tld.CsvLoader("test_data/GroupByTest.csv", data_schema, batch_size=12,
                                   skip_headers=True, working_dir="tmp",
        test_fn = csv_loader.load_and_transform_csv()
        csv_loader_test = tld.CsvLoader("test_data/GroupByTest-2.csv", data_schema, batch_size=12,
                                        skip_headers=True, working_dir="tmp",
        test_fn2 = csv_loader_test.load_and_transform_csv_with_saved_fn()
        data2 = test_fn2()
        data = test_fn()

then both results are the exact same, presumably because the results of the call to my custom unique node, and group by node are being saved to the graph when I call tft.analyzer_nodes.wrap_as_tensor.

I don't want to save the results of unique because it's being used on what are essentially primary keys, which will be different between runs, and I don't want to save the results of group_by_sum because I'd like to know what the actual sums are, not whatever they were during training. I do, however, want to save some values, like the vocabulary used for the one hot encode, and any scaling parameters I want to use, (like tft.scale_to_z_score), so that I can use the same values during test and on live. So what I need is some method where I can evaluate the results of the node, like wrap_as_tensor without it being saved to the final graph.

Let me know if you need any further clarification, or if I'm missing something. Thanks.

UsharaniPagadala commented 2 years ago


Could you please confirm if this issue still persists.Thanks