tensorlayer / SRGAN

Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network
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Error loading vgg19 after downloading vgg19.npy #222

Closed mustaeenqazi closed 3 years ago

mustaeenqazi commented 3 years ago

Hi, i have downloaded the vgg19.npy file as decribed. and put it in the /tensorlayer/models. and then ran the code for training but i still get the error, error log is attached as an image, it seems that the code is unable read the vgg19.npy file. error_loading_vgg19

zsdonghao commented 3 years ago

don't need to put it into tensorlayer/models

mustaeenqazi commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much, Can you please explain how the download works using the tuturial_models_vgg19.py, Because the line VGG = tl.models.vgg19(pretrained=True, end_with='pool4', mode='static') in the file train.py should load the vgg19 itself, without any external downloading

zsdonghao commented 3 years ago

@Laicheng0830 founds the github link was updated, the latest commit will help you handle it.

mustaeenqazi commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I checked Issue number 216, The solution at the end helped me , instead of giving a .npy file with the git link i used the vgg19.npy from the dropbox link provided there with all the weights itself and commented the line 158 in tensorlayer/models/vgg.py "#maybe_download_and_extract(model_saved_name[layer_type], 'models', model_urls[layer_type])"