Face recognition implementation using TensorLayer and TensorFlow.
Feel free to add more papers and discuss here or in the Slack channel.
SphereFace : Face recognition (FP) can be categorized as face identification and face verification. The identification classifies a face to a specific identity, while the verification determines whether a pair of faces belongs to the same identity.
For closed-set protocol, all testing identities are predefined in training set. Therefore, closed- set FR can be well addressed as a classification problem.
For open-set protocol, the testing identities are usually not in the training set, so we need to map faces to a discriminative feature space. Then face identification can be viewed as performing face verification between the probe face and every identity in the gallery (given some faces of the identities). <--- industry usually use this one.
Paper History
[Dimensionality reduction by learning an invariant mapping. In CVPR, 2006.]()
triplet loss
[Deep learning face representation from predicting 10,000 classes. In CVPR, 2014.]()
softmax loss, treats open-set FR as a multi-class classification problem
[Deepface: Closing the gap to human-level performance in face verifica- tion. In CVPR, 2014.]()
softmax loss, treats open-set FR as a multi-class classification problem
[Deep learning face representation by joint identification-verification. In NIPS, 2014]()
softmax loss + contrastive loss (Euclidean margin based loss)
greatly boosting the performance.
[Facenet: A unified embedding for face recognition and clustering. In CVPR, 2015]()
learn a unified face embedding, 200 million face images, current state-of-the-art FR accuracy
[A discriminative feature learning approach for deep face recognition. In ECCV, 2016]()
softmax loss + centre loss (Euclidean margin based loss)
SphereFace : One could notice that state-of-the-art FR meth- ods usually adopt ideas (e.g. contrastive loss, triplet loss) from metric learning, showing open-set FR could be well addressed by discriminative metric learning.
[Sparsifying neural network connections for face recognition. In CVPR, 2016]()
softmax loss + contrastive loss (Euclidean margin based loss)
[Targeting ultimate accuracy: Face recognition via deep embedding. arXiv preprint:1506.07310, 2015.]()
? loss
[Large-margin softmax loss for convolutional neural networks. In ICML, 2016. 2,]()
L-Softmax loss, also implicitly involves the concept of angles like SphereFace. Differently, SphereFace A-Softmax loss is developed to explicitly learn discriminative face embedding.
it shows great improvement on closed-set classification problems.
SphereFace : Center loss only explicitly encourages intra-class compactness. Both contrastive loss and triplet loss can not constrain on each individual sample, and thus require carefully designed pair/triplet mining procedure, which is both time-consuming and performance-sensitive.
[SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition. In CVPR, 2017]()
We extract the deep features (SphereFace) from the output of the FC1 layer. For all experiments, the final representation of a testing face is obtained by concatenating its original face features and its horizontally flipped features. The score (metric) is computed by the cosine distance of two features.
[CosFace: Large Margin Cosine Loss for Deep Face Recognition In ArXiv, 2018]()
A discussion for:
Feel free to add more papers and discuss here or in the Slack channel.
SphereFace : Face recognition (FP) can be categorized as face identification and face verification. The identification classifies a face to a specific identity, while the verification determines whether a pair of faces belongs to the same identity.
For closed-set protocol, all testing identities are predefined in training set. Therefore, closed- set FR can be well addressed as a classification problem.
For open-set protocol, the testing identities are usually not in the training set, so we need to map faces to a discriminative feature space. Then face identification can be viewed as performing face verification between the probe face and every identity in the gallery (given some faces of the identities). <--- industry usually use this one.
Paper History
SphereFace : One could notice that state-of-the-art FR meth- ods usually adopt ideas (e.g. contrastive loss, triplet loss) from metric learning, showing open-set FR could be well addressed by discriminative metric learning.
[Sparsifying neural network connections for face recognition. In CVPR, 2016]()
[Targeting ultimate accuracy: Face recognition via deep embedding. arXiv preprint:1506.07310, 2015.]()
[Large-margin softmax loss for convolutional neural networks. In ICML, 2016. 2,]()
SphereFace : Center loss only explicitly encourages intra-class compactness. Both contrastive loss and triplet loss can not constrain on each individual sample, and thus require carefully designed pair/triplet mining procedure, which is both time-consuming and performance-sensitive.
Implementation Hints