tensorlayer / TensorLayer

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normalization modification #963

Closed yd-yin closed 5 years ago

yd-yin commented 5 years ago


Motivation and Context


(code262) mean, var = tf.nn.moments(inputs, self.axes) When calculating the mean and variance of inputs, keepdims is set to False by default, returning a one-dimensional tensor. This tensor will be broadcasted along with the last dimension of inputs when doing batch_normalization, which is not suitable for channels first version.


The previous version of class InstanceNorm only supports InstanceNorm2d and static mode.


Bug fixing of BatchNorm A new version of InstanceNorm Add *1d/2d/3d

zsdonghao commented 5 years ago

remember to change the changelog.md

zsdonghao commented 5 years ago

also, remember to correct the python format:

yapf -i xxx.py
# or for a folder
yapf -i --recursive folder