tensorly / torch

TensorLy-Torch: Deep Tensor Learning with TensorLy and PyTorch
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Factorized Tensor slower than Neural Network Layer !!! #35

Open KaidDuong opened 4 months ago

KaidDuong commented 4 months ago
import tltorch
import torch
from torch.profiler import profile, record_function, ProfilerActivity

data = torch.randn((4, 16), dtype=torch.float32)
linear = torch.nn.Linear(16, 10)

fact_linear = tltorch.FactorizedLinear.from_linear(linear, auto_tensorize=False,
                    in_tensorized_features=(4, 4), out_tensorized_features=(2, 5), rank=0.1, factorization="tucker")

data = data.to("cuda")
linear = linear.to("cuda")
fact_linear = fact_linear.to("cuda")
with profile(activities=[
        ProfilerActivity.CPU, ProfilerActivity.CUDA], record_shapes=True) as prof:
    with record_function("model_inference"):

print(prof.key_averages().table(sort_by="cuda_time_total", row_limit=10))

-------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
                                                   Name    Self CPU %      Self CPU   CPU total %     CPU total  CPU time avg     Self CUDA   Self CUDA %    CUDA total  CUDA time avg    # of Calls  
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
                                        model_inference        16.99%       1.054ms        99.71%       6.186ms       6.186ms       0.000us         0.00%       4.000us       4.000us             1  
                                           aten::linear         0.29%      18.000us        82.72%       5.132ms       5.132ms       0.000us         0.00%       4.000us       4.000us             1  
                                            aten::addmm        60.54%       3.756ms        81.43%       5.052ms       5.052ms       4.000us       100.00%       4.000us       4.000us             1  
void gemmSN_TN_kernel<float, 128, 16, 2, 4, 4, 4, tr...         0.00%       0.000us         0.00%       0.000us       0.000us       4.000us       100.00%       4.000us       4.000us             1  
                                                aten::t         0.63%      39.000us         1.00%      62.000us      62.000us       0.000us         0.00%       0.000us       0.000us             1  
                                        aten::transpose         0.24%      15.000us         0.37%      23.000us      23.000us       0.000us         0.00%       0.000us       0.000us             1  
                                       aten::as_strided         0.13%       8.000us         0.13%       8.000us       8.000us       0.000us         0.00%       0.000us       0.000us             1  
                                       cudaLaunchKernel        20.89%       1.296ms        20.89%       1.296ms       1.296ms       0.000us         0.00%       0.000us       0.000us             1  
                                  cudaDeviceSynchronize         0.29%      18.000us         0.29%      18.000us      18.000us       0.000us         0.00%       0.000us       0.000us             1  
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
Self CPU time total: 6.204ms
Self CUDA time total: 4.000us
with profile(activities=[
        ProfilerActivity.CPU, ProfilerActivity.CUDA], record_shapes=True) as prof:
    with record_function("model_inference"):

print(prof.key_averages().table(sort_by="cuda_time_total", row_limit=10))

-------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
                                                   Name    Self CPU %      Self CPU   CPU total %     CPU total  CPU time avg     Self CUDA   Self CUDA %    CUDA total  CUDA time avg    # of Calls  
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
                                        model_inference        15.19%       1.098ms        99.79%       7.215ms       7.215ms       0.000us         0.00%      27.000us      27.000us             1  
                                           aten::matmul         0.40%      29.000us        62.63%       4.528ms       1.132ms       0.000us         0.00%      12.000us       3.000us             4  
                                               aten::mm        48.37%       3.497ms        62.23%       4.499ms       1.125ms      12.000us        44.44%      12.000us       3.000us             4  
                                          aten::reshape         0.91%      66.000us         6.10%     441.000us      44.100us       0.000us         0.00%      10.000us       1.000us            10  
                                            aten::clone         0.55%      40.000us         3.91%     283.000us      94.333us       0.000us         0.00%      10.000us       3.333us             3  
                                            aten::copy_         1.40%     101.000us         2.28%     165.000us      55.000us      10.000us        37.04%      10.000us       3.333us             3  
void at::native::elementwise_kernel<128, 2, at::nati...         0.00%       0.000us         0.00%       0.000us       0.000us      10.000us        37.04%      10.000us       3.333us             3  
void gemmk1_kernel<int, float, 256, 5, false, false,...         0.00%       0.000us         0.00%       0.000us       0.000us       9.000us        33.33%       9.000us       3.000us             3  
                                           aten::linear         0.36%      26.000us         2.23%     161.000us     161.000us       0.000us         0.00%       5.000us       5.000us             1  
                                            aten::addmm         1.00%      72.000us         1.27%      92.000us      92.000us       5.000us        18.52%       5.000us       5.000us             1  
-------------------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  ------------  
Self CPU time total: 7.230ms
Self CUDA time total: 27.000us
derekdesantis commented 1 month ago

I'm also finding that the tltorch tensorized layers are significantly slower than the standard torch fully connected layers. Did you ever find a solution to this issue?

JeanKossaifi commented 3 weeks ago

What implementation do you use? reconstructed or factorized? Reconstructed should be around the same amount of time as the unfactorized version. The factorized version will depend significantly on your specific use case: size of your matrix, size of the factorization, etc.

KaidDuong commented 3 weeks ago

I verified the runtime of both factorized and reconstructed implements, but also the inference time is still slower than Neural Network.

import tltorch
import torch
from torch.profiler import profile, record_function, ProfilerActivity

data = torch.randn((4, 1024), dtype=torch.float32)
linear = torch.nn.Linear(1024, 512)

fact_linear_w_factorized = tltorch.FactorizedLinear.from_linear(linear, auto_tensorize=False,
                    in_tensorized_features=(4, 4, 4, 4, 4), out_tensorized_features=(2,4, 4, 4, 4), rank=0.1, factorization="tucker", implementation="factorized")

fact_linear_w_reconstructed = tltorch.FactorizedLinear.from_linear(linear, auto_tensorize=False,
                    in_tensorized_features=(4, 4, 4, 4, 4), out_tensorized_features=(2,4, 4, 4, 4), rank=0.1, factorization="tucker", implementation="reconstructed")
data = data.to("cuda")
linear = linear.to("cuda")
fact_linear_w_factorized = fact_linear_w_factorized.to("cuda")
fact_linear_w_reconstructed = fact_linear_w_reconstructed.to("cuda")
with torch.no_grad():

=> 880 µs ± 8.69 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each

with torch.no_grad():

=> 2.74 ms ± 12.1 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

with torch.no_grad():

=> 38.7 µs ± 946 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10,000 loops each)