tensory / TwitterClient

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Please code review for Homework 4 #2

Open tensory opened 11 years ago

tensory commented 11 years ago

Hi! Here's my Homework 4.

Now that I know about using fragments, I would like to manage activities through nested fragments instead of popping new activities. Two things happen that I would like to redesign this app to fix:

Thanks for all the help on Monday!

/cc @nesquena @timothy1ee

nesquena commented 11 years ago

:+1: Great work Ari, few points of feedback:

Nice work overall, hopefully you can see this coming together as a "fully fledged" twitter client with some more work and polish. This app contains all of the components now (fragments, models, networking, client, tab navigation, image loading, et al) of 90% of dynamic data-driven API client. Obviously there are lots of details and patterns to learn, but by this point you have been introduced to all the major frameworks and concepts. Hopefully you would feel fairly confident getting started making Android apps for instagram, pinterest, yardsale, flickr, .

Today (Week 5), we are going to cover the last major piece to the Android puzzle and that is using the hardware and SDK components such as the camera, photo gallery, location, maps, etc. After that, Week 6 we will be covering all the topics that separate an intermediate Android developer from a beginner that will act things you should start reviewing to continue your path to being a great Android developer.

Week 7 (Sept 30th), we are going to have a demo day to celebrate the progress you've all made with our next batch of Android students and multiple companies attending to see the group apps that you all have built. We are going to help however we can over the next 2 weeks to get the apps in shape and also have you all prepare a short slide presentation as well.