tenstorrent / tt-kmd

Tenstorrent Kernel Module
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Tested Grayskull™ e75 and get an exception (looks somehow **critical**) #21

Closed jaebaek closed 1 month ago

jaebaek commented 1 month ago

I purchased Grayskull™ e75 and install the hardware. I followed steps described here. I think I followed it correctly because I can see the following results:

$ ls /dev/tenstorrent/
$ find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -type f -name '*.ko' | grep 'tens'

but the firmware installation failed:

 $ sudo apt install cargo
 $ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
 $ source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
 $ python -m venv venv
 $  python3 -m venv venv
 $  source venv/bin/activate
 $  pip install git+https://github.com/tenstorrent/tt-flash.git
 $  tt-flash -h
 $  git clone https://github.com/tenstorrent/tt-firmware.git

# Now I have the problem
$  tt-flash flash --fw-tar tt-firmware/latest.fwbundle 
 $  tt-flash flash --fw-tar tt-firmware/fw_pack- 
 $  tt-flash flash --fw-tar tt-firmware/patches/fw_pack-
$  tt-flash flash --fw-tar tt-firmware/patches/fw_pack-

The last 4 commands all failed with the following message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jaebaek/tt-kmd-ttkmd-1.27.1/venv/bin/tt-flash", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/jaebaek/tt-kmd-ttkmd-1.27.1/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tt_flash/main.py", line 195, in main
    rc += flash_chip(
  File "/home/jaebaek/tt-kmd-ttkmd-1.27.1/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tt_flash/flash.py", line 242, in flash_chip
    raise TTError(
tt_flash.error.TTError: Looks like you are running a very old set of fw, it's safe to assume that it needs an update but please update it using --force

I printed the versions at this line:


For all tt-firmware/latest.fwbundle , tt-firmware/fw_pack-, tt-firmware/patches/fw_pack-, tt-firmware/patches/fw_pack-, I got the same fw_version lower than chip.min_fw_version().

The error message recommends me to use --force, but I am worried about side effects.

I would appreciate any help!

alewycky-tenstorrent commented 1 month ago

--force may be required for some firmware upgrades, please see https://docs.tenstorrent.com/tenstorrent/add-in-boards-and-cooling-kits/grayskull-tm-e75-e150/software-setup#update-firmware where this situation is mentioned.

jaebaek commented 1 month ago
