tentwentyfour / nextcloud-link

Javascript/Typescript client that communicates with Nextcloud's WebDAV and OCS APIs
MIT License
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Add support for PROPPATCH HTTP method for custom properties of file and directory #51

Open hci2 opened 1 year ago

hci2 commented 1 year ago

It would be nice to add support for PROPPATCH HTTP method to add custom properties to a directory or file.

The way to do this is described in that article for the custom property invoicenumber: https://mathiasconradt.medium.com/how-to-assign-custom-meta-data-to-your-documents-on-nextcloud-23356cf3f926

There is also a half-working (stale) Nextcloud App for that: https://apps.nextcloud.com/apps/customproperties

It would be possible to allow an extraProperties (https://github.com/tentwentyfour/nextcloud-link#webdav-extraproperties) parameter as optional (extraProperties?: FileDetailProperty[]) to the uploadFromStream, put, touchFolder or createFolderHierarchy methods of the client.

The equivalent "PROPFIND HTTP method is not essentially needed because a similar result can be achieved via getFolderFileDetails method and the extraProperties property.

What do you think about that extension?

kwisatz commented 1 year ago

Hi @hci2, thanks for your suggestion.

We don't see any reason why this extension shouldn't be added to nextcloud-link. Would this be something that you'd be able to hand in as a PR (seeing how you already checked out where the code-base has to be extended) ?

hci2 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your quick reply and the offer for a PR. But my request was intended to be a feature request. I don't have the time to work on that.

Because of time reasons and this missing feature, we had to switch to this library (https://github.com/perry-mitchell/webdav-client#customrequest) for the current project, which also fully supports custom properties.