tenzir / public-roadmap

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AMQP Connector #78

Closed mavam closed 8 months ago

mavam commented 9 months ago

RabbitMQ is a messaging building block often used in microservice architectures, providing AMQP and MQTT support.

The most widely used library appears to be https://github.com/alanxz/rabbitmq-c, which plan to wrap. It's also one of the few packaged for Debian and therefore a clear winner.

### Definition of Done
- [x] Define the connector UX
- [x] Implement a loader
- [x] Implement a saver
- [ ] Stretch: explore [Azure EventHubs compatibility](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-data-explorer-blog/importing-data-from-rabbitmq-into-azure-data-explorer-via-event/ba-p/3777688)
mavam commented 8 months ago

We got a request to send data to EventHubs (via AMQP), so +1'ing this one.