teocns / BET365-WebSocket-Handshake

Get live updates for matches from BET365. It's based on the reverse-engineered Private API WebSocket
6 stars 6 forks source link

The app stopped connecting to the websocket #2

Open oneprofittips opened 4 years ago

oneprofittips commented 4 years ago

Good afternoon. The site changed something and the app does not work for an hour. Can you fix it?

phtrind commented 4 years ago

Is it working?

oneprofittips commented 4 years ago


spikeruk commented 4 years ago

Seems strange this. Can't even load the bet365.com homepage with selenium, just get a gray screen (Don't think its connecting to the socket using Selenium Chrome browser)

oneprofittips commented 3 years ago

They introduced protection against selenium.

Mokwing commented 3 years ago

Good afternoon.Return content for re matching is null,How to get the right content?